
"with her" in Spanish

"with her" in Spanish
with her{pronoun}
consigo{pron.} (ella)
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
(DE) Mr President, I just wanted to ask Mrs McCarthy whether the weapon she has with her is marked and registered and whether she has permission to bring it into the House.
(DE) Señor Presidente, me gustaría simplemente preguntar a la señora McCarthy si el arma que ha traído consigo está marcada y registrada y si tiene permiso para introducirla en esta Cámara.
she always carried a photograph of her deceased husband with her
llevaba siempre consigo una foto de su difunto marido
(DE) Mr President, I just wanted to ask Mrs McCarthy whether the weapon she has with her is marked and registered and whether she has permission to bring it into the House.
(DE) Señor Presidente, me gustaría simplemente preguntar a la señora McCarthy si el arma que ha traído consigo está marcada y registrada y si tiene permiso para introducirla en esta Cámara.

Similar translations for "with her" in Spanish
to herpronoun
Context examples for "with her" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
They strangled her, threw her into the bath and tried to pretend it was suicide.
La estrangularon, la tiraron a la bañera e intentaron simular que fue un suicidio.
It even shares some of the criticisms expressed by the rapporteur in her report.
Incluso participa en alguna de las críticas que contiene el informe de la ponente.
Mr President, I would like to start by congratulating Mrs Theato on her report.
Señor Presidente, quisiera empezar felicitando a la Sra. Theato por su informe.
Mrs De Keyser said that, for this reason, her group had withdrawn its signature.
La señora De Keyser ha dicho que, por ese motivo, su Grupo retiraba su firma.
Her previous experience includes various administration and social activities.
Su experiencia anterior pasa por diversas actividades administrativas y sociales.
I should like to thank her, on behalf of the House, for all the work she has done.
Quiero agradecerle, en nombre de la Asamblea, todo el trabajo que ha realizado.
Mr d'Aboville, each of us has the right to his or her own opinion and judgement.
Señor d ' Aboville, cada uno tiene el derecho a tener opinión y apreciación propia.
Mrs Maij-Weggen was very supportive of the annual report and I thank her for that.
La Sra. Maij-Weggen ha demostrado mucho apoyo al informe anual y se lo agradezco.
I should like to congratulate Mrs Béguin on her exceptionally positive report.
Quisiera felicitar a la señora Béguin por su informe excepcionalmente positivo.
(ES) First of all, let me thank the rapporteur for her thorough and serious work.
(ES) Ante todo quiero felicitar a la ponente por su trabajo serio y riguroso.
In her report, Mrs Jensen mentioned two measures that are required for such a card.
En su informe, la Sra. Jensen menciona dos medidas necesarias para dicha tarjeta.
On her behalf, I want to begin by thanking Mrs Echerer on a number of scores.
En su nombre, quiero empezar agradeciendo a la Sra. Echerer una serie de cosas.
This is how the junta wants to prevent her from standing in the coming elections.
Así es como la Junta quiere evitar que se presente a las próximas elecciones.
For her pains, Mrs Andreasen was dismissed from her job. That was an injustice.
La Sra. Andreasen fue despedida por su gran celo, lo que constituyó una injusticia.
President, I have to compliment Mrs Sierra González on her admirable report.
Señor Presidente, debo felicitar a la Sra. Sierra González por su admirable informe.
First of all, I would like to thank Mrs Kratsa-Tsagaropoulou for her excellent work.
Quisiera en primer lugar dar las gracias a Rodi Kratsa por su excelente trabajo.
in society, but rather that she occupy her rightful place in the midst of the
a reclamar el lugar que por derecho le corresponde en el entramado social donde
Mr President, I should like in turn to thank Mrs de Palacio for her comments.
Señor Presidente, quisiera dar las gracias a la Sra. de Palacio por sus palabras.
We appreciate the rapporteur' s negotiating talent and her personal commitment.
Agradecemos el talento de negociadora de la ponente y su compromiso personal.
So I have brought her this evening a modest proposal which I invite her to support.
Por ello le he traído esta noche una modesta propuesta, que le invito a apoyar.