
"with a firm hand" in Spanish

"with a firm hand" in English
We are looking to you, we have heard you request this House's endorsement and we have every confidence that this pilot will have a firm hand on the controls.
Tenemos la mirada puesta en usted, le hemos escuchado pedir el apoyo de esta Asamblea y confiamos plenamente en que este piloto sujetará los mandos con mano firme.

Similar translations for "with a firm hand" in Spanish
Context examples for "with a firm hand" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Other countries besides those of the EU must take a firm hand with the flag states.
El rigor empleado contra los estados de pabellón no puede terminar en las fronteras de la Unión Europea.
I'm a great believer in treating children with a firm hand
soy una convencida de que a los niños hay que tratarlos con mano dura
We trust you will have a firm hand on the wheel, MrBarroso, as you steer the European Union’s course through those uncharted waters.
Confiamos que mantendrá usted una mano firme sobre el timón, señor Barroso, mientras surca esas aguas desconocidas.
what's needed here is a firm hand
lo que hace falta aquí es una mano dura
that child needs a firm hand
a ese niño le hace falta mano dura
with a firm hand
con mano firme
We are looking to you, we have heard you request this House's endorsement and we have every confidence that this pilot will have a firm hand on the controls.
Tenemos la mirada puesta en usted, le hemos escuchado pedir el apoyo de esta Asamblea y confiamos plenamente en que este piloto sujetará los mandos con mano firme.
I think that the UfM is an excellent instrument for intervening with a very firm hand in the conflicts which persist in this zone and even for providing solutions to them.
Creo que la UpM es un excelente instrumento para intervenir con gran firmeza en los conflictos que todavía existen en la zona e incluso para ofrecer soluciones para ellos.