
"unselfishly" in Spanish

she gave her help unselfishly
prestó su colaboración desinteresadamente
such unselfish devotion warms the heart
una entrega tan desinteresada lo reconforta a uno
Unfortunately, he paid a high price for his noble and unselfish involvement in the Burundi conflict when he was murdered by rebel groups on 29December 2003.
Por desgracia, pagó un alto precio por su noble y desinteresada participación en el conflicto de Burundi, cuando un grupo de rebeldes lo asesinó el 29 de diciembre de 2003.
It also agrees to the donation of egg cells if the donation is genuine, or in other words a voluntary, unselfish and free act.
Asimismo acepta la donación de óvulos si la donación es sincera, es decir, si es un acto voluntario, desinteresado y gratuito.

Synonyms (English) for "selfishly":
Context examples for "unselfishly" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
she gave her help unselfishly
prestó su colaboración desinteresadamente
Unselfishly and without discrimination, they helped all the victims, irrespective of their culture or religion or the colour of their skin.
Ayudaron a todas las víctimas, de manera desinteresada y sin discriminaciones, independientemente de su cultura, religión o color de piel.