
"to complement each other" in Spanish

"to complement each other" in Spanish
The different levels should not replace but must complement each other.
Los distintos niveles deben complementarse, no sustituirse.
Both instruments can co-exist and complement each other.
Ambos instrumentos pueden coexistir y complementarse mutuamente.
Various courses of action can complement each other, as I shall describe later.
Hay varias vías de acción que pueden complementarse entre sí, como describiré más tarde.

Similar translations for "to complement each other" in Spanish
Context examples for "to complement each other" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
These two aspects are not contradictory but do in fact complement each other.
Estos dos aspectos no son contradictorios, pero, en realidad, son complementarios.
These explanations complement each other and help to illuminate the phenomenon of…
Estas explicaciones se complementan y ayudan a aclarar el fenómeno de...
This support for the victim must involve two types of measures which complement each other.
Este apoyo a la víctima debe comportar dos tipos de medidas que se complementan.
These two areas of activity are interconnected and complement each other.
Estos dos temas están interrelacionados y se complementan el uno al otro.
Those elements complement each other; they certainly do not contradict each other.
Ambos elementos se complementan entre sí; para nada se contradicen.
We also know that the efforts made by those nations complement each other over time.
Sabemos también que los esfuerzos realizados por esos países se complementan con el tiempo.
The various measures within this cooperation can complement each other.
Las diversas medidas de esta cooperación se pueden complementar entre sí.
This is just an example of how horizontal policies and vertical sectoral solutions complement each other.
En este campo los Estados miembros conservan el grueso de las responsabilidades.
These two directives complement each other in certain respects.
Estas dos Directivas se complementan entre sí en ciertos respectos.
The two levels of dialogue - technical and political - complement each other successfully.
Los dos niveles del diálogo - el técnico y el político - se complementan entre sí de forma acertada.
Enlargement policy and neighbourhood policy complement each other.
La política de ampliación y la de vecindad son complementarias.
Far from this being in opposition to the US, we seek to complement each other, and want to be strong together.
Cualquier política europea de defensa común tiene que apoyarse en esta base.
It is essential that these efforts should complement each other.
La complementariedad de los diferentes esfuerzos es esencial.
We simply want the convention and the WTO and GATS negotiations to complement each other.
Simplemente queremos que la convención y las negociaciones de la OMC y el AGCS se complementen recíprocamente.
No, the two things have to go together and complement each other.
No, las dos deben ir juntas y ser complementarias.
These have great potential if they are coordinated, if they complement each other and if they are coherent.
Todos ellos poseen un potencial enorme si se coordinan, se complementan y son coherentes entre sí.
Far from this being in opposition to the US, we seek to complement each other, and want to be strong together.
En lugar de oponernos a los Estados Unidos, intentamos complementarnos, y queremos ser fuertes juntos.
“We complement each other well,” says Hamilton.
“Nos complementamos estupendamente”, dice Hamilton.
The two reports complement each other very well.
Los dos informes se complementan perfectamente.
I think that the two reports complement each other and really do contain some innovative and very interesting proposals.
Creo que los dos informes se complementan y tienen, realmente, propuestas innovadoras y muy interesantes.