
"to be enriched" in Spanish

"to be enriched" in Spanish
Europe needs to be enriched culturally, economically and socially by the possibilities of migration.
Europa necesita enriquecerse cultural, económica y socialmente por medio de las posibilidades que ofrece la migración.
Uranium can also be enriched, which is a means of producing material capable of being used in atomic weapons.
El uranio también puede enriquecerse, lo que constituye un medio de producir material utilizable en armas nucleares.
In cultural and political terms Slovenia can enrich the European Union and be enriched by it as well.
Eslovenia puede enriquecer cultural y políticamente a la Unión Europea y puede enriquecerse gracias a ella.

Similar translations for "to be enriched" in Spanish
Context examples for "to be enriched" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
and enriched by the redemptive power of Christ and the salvific action of the
rige y se enriquece por la fuerza redentora de Cristo y la acción salvífica
by reciprocally exchanging the gifts with which each person is enriched by
intercambio mutuo de los dones que cada cual posee por la gracia del Espíritu
They have not only been helpful, but they have greatly enriched the whole project.
No solo han sido útiles, sino que han enriquecido notablemente la totalidad del proyecto.
I will end by saying that the debates this week have enriched us all.
Concluiré diciendo que los debates de estas semanas nos han enriquecido a todos.
Such immigration has enriched our continent and will continue to do so.
Dicha inmigración ha enriquecido a nuestro continente y continuará haciéndolo.
(mirabilia Dei) has been enriched by new horizons, for which the Triune
Dios Trinitario suscita la acción de gracias: la percepción de que el Espíritu
It has enriched the Presidency and it will inspire and guide its future directions.
Ha enriquecido a la Presidencia como tal, la inspirará y la orientará en su andadura futura.
They know that the European Union has offered to supply enriched uranium for civilian purposes.
Saben que la Unión Europea ha ofrecido uranio enriquecido para propósitos civiles.
and especially those involved in the apostolate, will be enriched by a deep
y, especialmente, la de todo apóstol, debe estar enriquecida por un
Acceptable systems are non-cage systems and so-called 'enriched ' cages.
Sistemas aceptables de cría son las crías fuera de jaula y las llamadas jaulas enriquecidas.
Instead, he has enriched himself, his friends and destroyed his country's economy.
En cambio, se ha enriquecido él, ha enriquecido a sus amigos y ha destruido la economía de su país.
Acceptable systems are non-cage systems and so-called 'enriched' cages.
Sistemas aceptables de cría son las crías fuera de jaula y las llamadas jaulas enriquecidas.
We have benefitted and our societies have been enriched by their presence.
Nos hemos beneficiado de ellas y nuestras sociedades han resultado enriquecidas por su presencia.
is enlarged and enriched by all those fruits of moral, spiritual and
humana: se amplía y se enriquece con todos los frutos de vida moral,
To sum up, we are leaving enriched by some important information.
Resumiendo, partimos enriquecidos con bastante información importante.
I will end by saying that the debates this week have enriched us all.
Tiene la palabra el señor Kilroy-Silk, para una cuestión de orden.
Thanks to her proposals for an active old age, society is enriched by a whole generation.
Con sus propuestas para una vida activa durante la vejez, la sociedad gana a toda una generación.
Every particular Church becomes enriched by sound human elements,
Cada Iglesia particular se enriquece, con elementos humanos de valor,
That said, Mr President, the debate which I have just listened to has personally enriched me.
Dicho esto, señor Presidente, el debate al que acabo de asistir me ha enriquecido personalmente.
The cultural image of Europe is enriched by linguistic diversity.
La diversidad lingüística enriquece la imagen cultural de Europa.