
"to be doomed" in Spanish

"to be doomed" in Spanish
Even the wearing of spectacles put your life at risk, and higher education meant that you were doomed.
Llevar gafas era arriesgar la vida, y tener una educación superior implicaba estar condenado.
to be doomed to disaster
estar condenado al fracaso
to be doomed to failure
estar condenado al fracaso

Context examples for "to be doomed" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Many more thought that it would never happen or that it was doomed to failure.
Muchos creían que nunca llegaría a imponerse o que estaba condenada al fracaso.
The current fisheries policy is not sustainable and is therefore doomed to fail.
La política de pesca actual no es sostenible y, por lo tanto, está condenada al fracaso.
This means that, in the end, these two sites will probably be doomed.
Esto significa que, al final, estos dos centros quedarán probablemente condenados.
Any unilateral and exclusively military response is doomed to failure.
Toda respuesta unilateral y exclusivamente militar está condenada al fracaso.
Such a policy, ladies and gentlemen, is doomed to failure, I can assure you.
Señorías, puedo asegurarles que tal política está abocada al fracaso.
(PL) Mr President, it would appear that all agreements reached in Lisbon are doomed.
(PL) Señor Presidente, parece que todos los acuerdos alcanzados en Lisboa están condenados.
Every project that does not take this into account is doomed to failure.
Cada proyecto que no toma esto en consideración está abocado al fracaso.
Whatever happens in our region is doomed to affect the whole world.
Todo lo que ocurre en nuestra región está llamado a afectar a todo el mundo.
This meant that the programme was doomed to fail from the start.
Con estos antecedentes, el programa estaba abocado al fracaso desde un principio.
I think that such centrally planned projects are doomed to failure.
Creo que estos proyectos planificados de manera centralizada están abocados al fracaso.
None deems himself secure from the Plan of Allah except a people that are doomed to perish.
Pero sólo se sienten seguros de los graves designios de Dios quienes [ya] están perdidos.
The Rotterdam-Genoa freight freeway is now doomed to failure.
La freight freeway Rotterdam-Génova está, mientras tanto, condenada al fracaso.
In that case the Convention would certainly have been doomed to failure from the outset.
Si se hubiese hecho, este convenio habría fracasado ya de antemano.
Heading 4 - external policy - is still inevitably doomed to failure.
La rúbrica 4 -política exterior- sigue su rumbo inexorable al fracaso.
There have been some attempts at proposals to change the situation, but these are doomed to failure.
Ha habido algunos intentos de cambiar la situación, pero están abocados al fracaso.
Like the rapporteur, I believe that the plan is impossible to interpret and is doomed to failure.
Al igual que ella, creo que el Plan resulta indescifrable y está condenado al fracaso.
If the Russian delegation has a similar recommendation, the summit is doomed to failure.
Si la delegación de Rusia tiene una recomendación similar, la cumbre está destinada a fracasar.
What is the status of the European list of ports that are likely to receive doomed ships?
¿Cuál es la situación de la lista europea de puertos susceptibles de recibir buques condenados?
In a free, unprotected market, they are doomed to disappear.
No obstante, en un mercado libre y desprotegido tienen sus días contados.
If you do not learn from your mistakes, you are doomed to repeat them.
Si no aprenden de sus errores, estarán condenados a repetirlos.