
"to be at pains" in Spanish

"to be at pains" in Spanish
to be at pains{intransitive verb}

Context examples for "to be at pains" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
For her pains, Mrs Andreasen was dismissed from her job. That was an injustice.
La Sra. Andreasen fue despedida por su gran celo, lo que constituyó una injusticia.
As a sincere Europhile, it pains me every time I come across this culture of secrecy.
Como eurófilo declarado me duele cada vez que topo con esta cultura de secretismo.
overcome them to the pains of childbirth which would be transformed into joy
los dolores de parto, los cuales se tornan en la alegría de dar a luz un
The only thing that pains me is that this discussion took place at such a late hour.
Lo único que me molesta es que este debate se haya celebrado tan tarde.
As a sincere friend of the United States, that pains me a great deal.
Esto se lo pondría mucho más difícil a otros países de la Liga de la Muerte.
The rapporteur took great pains to support a new approach and to pursue it boldly.
Mi colega y miembro del mismo Grupo que yo, el Sr. Voggenhuber, era miembro de la Convención.
The rapporteur took great pains to support a new approach and to pursue it boldly.
El ponente ha hecho grandes esfuerzos por apoyar un nuevo enfoque y reivindicarlo con energía.
It pains me to say it, because we have often supported Mr Frattini's proposals and initiatives.
Me desagrada decirlo, ya que a menudo hemos apoyado sus propuestas e iniciativas.
Above all, I undertake to take great pains on the issue of health.
Sobre todo, me comprometo a hacer todo lo posible en la cuestión de la salud.
In short, the labour pains were difficult, and they are not yet over.
En resumen, ha sido un parto doloroso y todavía no ha terminado del todo.
he's always extremely considerate and takes great pains not to offend anyone
siempre anda con muchos miramientos, procurando no ofender a nadie
Yet again, it pains us to conclude that the Brussels bureaucracy has triumphed over politics.
Una vez más me duele decir que la burocracia de Bruselas ha triunfado sobre la política.
With multiple myeloma, radiation therapy is used above all for treating bone pains.
En el mieloma múltiple se aplica la radioterapia sobre todo para el tratamiento del dolor de huesos.
I am quoting Dante, and, much as it pains me, I feel that the quotation is appropriate.
Cito a Dante, y muy a mi pesar, pienso que la cita es apropiada.
It pains me to have to explain our voting mechanism to you yet again.
Lamento tener que explicarle de nuevo nuestro sistema de votación.
As a sincere friend of the United States, that pains me a great deal.
Soy un sincero amigo de los Estados Unidos, y esto me duele mucho.
It pains me that due to lack of time I am unable to go into this in any more detail.
Lamento no poder entrar más en detalle por falta de tiempo.
As with all new schemes, emissions trading has also experienced growing pains in its initial stages.
Esto será posible gracias al próximo informe de evaluación de la Comisión.
I said to you on Monday that each case of fraud pains me.
Se los manifesté el lunes pasado: cada vez que se comete un fraude, me duele.
you're like an eighty-year old, the way you go on about your aches and pains
te quejas de tus achaques como un viejo de ochenta años