
"thousands of" in Spanish

"thousands of" in English
This is a global problem, and it affects thousands of families all over Europe!
Se trata de un problema global que afecta a miles de familias de toda Europa.
We find thousands of Belorussian women on many of the streets of Europe.
Encontramos a miles de mujeres bielorrusas en muchas de las calles de Europa.
It is not thousands of kilometres away from us; it is very close.
No está a miles de kilómetros de distancia de nosotros, está muy cerca.

Similar translations for "thousands of" in Spanish
out ofpreposition
outside ofpreposition
Context examples for "thousands of" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
There have been thousands of pages of correspondence on this matter over many years.
Con los años se han escrito miles de páginas de correspondencia sobre este tema.
This is a global problem, and it affects thousands of families all over Europe!
Se trata de un problema global que afecta a miles de familias de toda Europa.
However, thousands of Tibetans living in Nepal have been deprived of this right.
No obstante, miles de tibetanos que viven en Nepal han sido privados de este derecho.
Is it possible that thousands of Chechens have been fighting with the Taliban?
Por otra parte, se afirma que miles de chechenos han luchado junto a los talibanes.
Today it is reduced to all but nothing, with thousands upon thousands of job losses.
Hoy todo se reduce a nada, con miles y miles de pérdidas de puestos de trabajo.
How very true, its having so far been going on for some thousands of years.
Muy cierto, ya que este conflicto lleva azotando la región varios miles de años.
Thousands have died on Sulawesi alone, where there has been two years of fighting.
Miles de personas han muerto sólo en Sulawesi, donde los combates duran ya dos años.
This will safeguard the health of thousands of people and of our common environment.
Todo esto preservará la salud de miles de personas y de nuestro entorno común.
In some places thousands of televisions or digiboxes may have to be replaced.
En algunos lugares habrá que cambiar miles de televisores o de terminales digitales.
The numbers are astounding - in the millions, not thousands or hundreds of thousands.
Las cifras son apabullantes: se trata de millones, no de miles o cientos de miles.
The most expensive fish in the world, each one selling for tens of thousands of euros.
El pescado más caro del mundo, cada uno se vende por decenas de miles de euros.
Thousands of opposition activists were arrested and over 100 people lost their lives.
Miles de opositores fueron arrestados y más de 100 personas perdieron la vida.
India has had this advantage of integration of minds for thousands of years.
India ha tenido esta ventaja de la integración de las mentes durante miles de años.
The junta has chosen confrontation with thousands of peaceful demonstrators.
La junta ha optado por la confrontación con miles de manifestantes pacíficos.
It is clear that thousands of people have been displaced within Sri Lanka.
Está claro que miles de personas han resultado desplazadas dentro de Sri Lanka.
It is the same aim we have had for thousands of years, but we have new methods.
Son los mismos objetivos de nuestros antepasados, pero con nuevos métodos.
There are thousands of miles of coastline and thousands of large and small ports.
Tienen miles de kilómetros de costa y miles de pequeños y grandes puertos.
This will produce jobs for thousands of people, thus providing them with a livelihood.
Esto creará empleo para miles de personas y les proporcionará un medio de vida.
Thousands of young women are working as prostitutes in the Member States of the EU.
Miles de jóvenes trabajan como prostitutas en los Estados miembros de la UE.
Every hour, every day that goes by increases the death toll by tens of thousands.
Cada hora, cada día que pasa, aporta unas decenas de miles de muertos más.