
"a miles de" in English

"a miles de" in English
Se trata de un problema global que afecta a miles de familias de toda Europa.
This is a global problem, and it affects thousands of families all over Europe!
Encontramos a miles de mujeres bielorrusas en muchas de las calles de Europa.
We find thousands of Belorussian women on many of the streets of Europe.
No está a miles de kilómetros de distancia de nosotros, está muy cerca.
It is not thousands of kilometres away from us; it is very close.

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a partir depreposition
Context examples for "a miles de" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Se trata de un problema global que afecta a miles de familias de toda Europa.
This is a global problem, and it affects thousands of families all over Europe!
Encontramos a miles de mujeres bielorrusas en muchas de las calles de Europa.
We find thousands of Belorussian women on many of the streets of Europe.
Esta empresa ha traído aquí en los últimos diez años a miles de mis visitantes.
This particular company has transported thousands of my visitors here in the past ten years.
La Unión ha ayudado a miles de jóvenes a adquirir experiencia estudiando en el extranjero.
The Union has helped thousands of young people to gain experience in studying abroad.
Al mismo tiempo, dejan en la calle del desempleo a miles de trabajadores.
At the same time, thousands of workers are being thrown out into the street of unemployment.
Tampoco debemos ignorar el hecho de que dan trabajo a miles de personas en el proceso.
Moreover, we should not overlook the fact that they employ thousands of people in the process.
Por tanto, el coste ascendería a millones, incluso tal vez a miles de millones de euros.
Thus the cost would be in the millions, maybe even the billions.
No está a miles de kilómetros de distancia de nosotros, está muy cerca.
It is not thousands of kilometres away from us; it is very close.
Como sabe la Cámara, se han cancelado 84 000 vuelos, lo cual afecta a miles de pasajeros.
The House will know that 84 000 flights have been cancelled, affecting thousands of passengers.
Toda la escuela fue evacuada y el coste de la depuración ascendió a miles de dólares.
The whole school had to be evacuated and there was a clean-up bill amounting to thousands of dollars.
Renunciar a esta meta sería dejar en el abandono a miles de jóvenes.
Giving up that objective would be tantamount to leaving thousands of young people in the lurch.
Es un informe bien planteado, y. como ha dicho con toda razón, afecta a miles de personas.
It is a well-considered report and, as he said quite rightly, it is relevant to thousands of people.
Tampoco debemos ignorar el hecho de que dan trabajo a miles de personas en el proceso.
There is another, less obvious, truth that underlies this report that I feel I must state in this debate.
Dijo que es horrible enviar a miles de personas a Sudán y luego dejarlas a su suerte.
It is awful - he said - if you send thousands of people to Sudan and then leave them to their own devices.
Las fábricas que antes daban empleo a miles de trabajadores ahora solo dan empleo a unos pocos cientos.
Mills that once employed thousands now employ in the very low hundreds.
Hay otros países como los Estados Unidos que reasientan a miles de refugiados cada año en su territorio.
Other countries such as the US resettle thousands of refugees on their territory every year.
Las inundaciones afectaron a cientos de hogares y negocios, y llevaron a la miseria a miles de personas.
The floods affected hundreds of homes and businesses and caused misery to thousands of people.
Europa Oriental es la ruta principal de un comercio de medicamentos falsificados que ascienden a miles de millones.
Eastern Europe is the main route of the trade in falsified medicines worth billions.
Aquella vez se envió a miles de trabajadores valones al paro, sin que nadie se preocupase por ello.
On that occasion thousands of Frenchspeaking Belgian workers were put out of work, and nobody cared.
Me pregunto por qué se reunieron en paralelo y a miles de kilómetros de distancia, en lugar de hacerlo juntos.
I wonder why they met in parallel, and thousands of kilometres apart, rather than together.