
"sweating" in Spanish

Not that they sweat because they are being watched.
Pero no sudan porque estén vigilados.
you work up a real sweat with this exercise
este ejercicio te hace sudar mucho
to sweat with fear
sudar de miedo
sufrir[sufriendo · sufrido] {v.t.} (por algo)
With a little knowledge about these hardware and software issues, you won't sweat the move to 64-bit computing.
Si tienes algunos conocimientos sobre estos problemas de hardware y software, no sufrirás el paso a la informática de 64 bits.
By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food” (Genesis 3:18-19).
Con el sudor de tu rostro comerás […]” (Génesis 3:18-19).
The working class owes nothing to those who have robbed them of what they earned by the sweat of their brow.
La clase obrera no debe nada a quienes le han robado lo que había ganado con el sudor de su frente.
he comes out in a cold sweat at the mere mention of the word
le entra un sudor frío con la sola mención de la palabra
to sweat out
eliminar con la transpiración
paliza{f} [coll.]
lifting those boxes was a real sweat
levantar esas cajas fue una tremenda paliza
The work on this text has however cost a lot of time, commitment and sweat.
Sin embargo, la labor realizada en torno a este texto ha costado mucho tiempo, dedicación y esfuerzo.
to not break a sweat
hacer algo sin esfuerzo
We can look back on five years, on a great deal of work and a great deal of sweat, so let us just rejoice!
Han sido cinco años de arduo trabajo, de muchos esfuerzos, así que podemos estar contentos.

Synonyms (English) for "sweating":
Context examples for "sweating" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
these symptoms are usually accompanied by trembling and sweating
estos síntomas suelen ir acompañados de temblores y sudor
we were sweating it out waiting for the results
nos mordíamos las uñas esperando el resultado
they were sweating it out in the midday sun
sudaban la gota gorda al sol del mediodía
they were sweating profusely in the heat
sudaban a chorros con el calor
he was sweating buckets
sudaba a chorros
he was sweating streams
sudaba a mares