
"state university" in Spanish

"state university" in English

Context examples for "state university" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Gahagan holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Sciences from Colorado State University.
Gahagan se graduó en Ciencias Informáticas por la Colorado State University.
Yaung holds a Bachelors of Science in Electrical Engineering from San Jose State University.
Es licenciado en Ingeniería eléctrica por la San Jose State University.
Instructors: Jon Hunner & Marsha Weisiger, History Department, New Mexico State University
Profesor: Jon Hunner y Marsha Weisiger, Departamento de Historia, New Mexico State University
They relate to their future places of work, income, pensions, and state school and university education.
Guardan relación con sus futuros lugares de trabajo, sus ingresos, sus pensiones, la escuela pública y la enseñanza universitaria.
The only reason that we are abstaining instead of voting against this report is because it also provides some subsidies which could help researchers and state and university research.
La única razón por la que nos abstenemos en lugar de votar en contra es porque también aporta algunas subvenciones que pueden ayudar a los investigadores y a la investigación estatal y universitaria.