
"throttling" in Spanish

Sovereignty does not entitle you to throttle your own people.
Sin embargo, la soberanía no da derecho a estrangular a tu propio pueblo.
Did public investment have to be throttled in order to support the euro?
¿Era necesario, en apoyo del euro, estrangular la inversión pública?
It is therefore throttling the Greek private sector, which is the only sector that can repay the massive debts.
Por tanto, está estrangulando al sector privado griego, que es el único sector que puede devolver las enormes deudas.
acogotar[acogotando · acogotado] {v.t.} [S. Cone] [coll.] (estrangular)
ahogar {vb}
These systems are still intact and throttling the Iraqi people.
Estos sistemas permanecen intactos y siguen ahogando al pueblo iraquí.
At the same time, you fail to address the European tendering rules that are throttling the small and medium-size companies.
Y al mismo tiempo, usted no aborda las normas europeas en materia de licitación que ahogan a las pequeñas y medianas empresas.
... I must tell you that Greece has taken strict measures which, in the final analysis, are literally throttling Greek households and Greeks are now at the end of their tether.
... debo decirles que Grecia ha tomado medidas estrictas que, a fin de cuentas, están ahogando literalmente a las familias griegas y los griegos ya no aguantan más.
However, I put my foot on the throttle for another reason too.
No obstante, he pisado el acelerador también por otro motivo.
Everyone was opening the throttle.
Todo el mundo pisaba el acelerador.
However, I put my foot on the throttle for another reason too.
No obstante, he pisado el acelerador también por otro motivo.
Everyone was opening the throttle.
Todo el mundo pisaba el acelerador.

Synonyms (English) for "throttling":
Context examples for "throttling" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
network bandwidth throttling
límite de ancho de banda de red