
"sense of shame" in Spanish

"sense of shame" in Spanish
vergüenza{f} (sentido del decoro)
This ideological debate, initiated without any sense of shame by the extreme Left in this House, is an extremely dangerous precedent.
Este debate ideológico, iniciado sin ningún sentido de la vergüenza por la extrema izquierda de esta Cámara, es un precedente sumamente peligroso.
Women who are the victims of violence carry their tragedy as a secret within them, either out of fear of reprisals, or out of a sense of shame with regard to those close to them.
Las mujeres víctimas de actos de violencia soportan su drama en secreto bien por temor a las represalias, o bien por vergüenza frente a su entorno.

Synonyms (English) for "sense of shame":
Context examples for "sense of shame" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
This ideological debate, initiated without any sense of shame by the extreme Left in this House, is an extremely dangerous precedent.
Si la Comisión Barroso termina siendo rechazada, será una prueba de que a los católicos se les prohíbe practicar su fe en Europa.