
"resignado" in English

"resignado" in English
resignado{adjective masculine}
resignado{adjective masculine}
Muchas personas en Belarús se han resignado a esta situación hace mucho tiempo.
Many people in Belarus resigned themselves to this long ago.
Nos hemos resignado a admitir en la Unión Europea a un país dividido.
We have resigned ourselves to admitting a divided country to the European Union.
está resignado a quedarse en el pueblo
he is resigned to staying in the village
uncomplaining{adj.} (submission)
. – No me he podido resignar a votar a favor de unas perspectivas financieras modificadas.
I was unable to resign myself to voting in favour of the amended financial perspective.
. – No me he podido resignar a votar a favor de unas perspectivas financieras modificadas.
.I was unable to resign myself to voting in favour of the amended financial perspective.
Sólo si nos resignamos ante el apartheid, éste será inamovible, pero eso es algo que no debemos hacer.
Apartheid is only unchangeable if we resign ourselves to it and we must therefore not do so.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "resignado":
Context examples for "resignado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nos hemos resignado a admitir en la Unión Europea a un país dividido.
We have resigned ourselves to admitting a divided country to the European Union.
Muchas personas en Belarús se han resignado a esta situación hace mucho tiempo.
Many people in Belarus resigned themselves to this long ago.
Moldavia es un país en que la comunidad, la sociedad, se ha resignado en muchos terrenos.
Moldova is a country where the community, or society, has abdicated responsibility in a number of areas.
Sí parece como si algunos Gobiernos se hubieran resignado ya a celebrar una nueva CIG para la ampliación.
It seems as if some governments are already reconciling themselves to a new IGC for enlargement.
Aunque no llego a comprender esa estrategia, me he resignado.
Although I have been unable to see the point of this strategy to date, I have reconciled myself to it.
está resignado a quedarse en el pueblo
he is resigned to staying in the village
escuchó con gesto resignado
he listened with a resigned expression
Se había resignado.
It has been in a resigned mood.
me he resignado a eso
I've become resigned to that
El Parlamento no se ha resignado a la tibia ambición de la Comisión y el Consejo; hemos exigido un compromiso mayor y lo hemos conseguido.
Parliament did not resign itself to the lukewarm ambition of the Commission and the Council; we called for greater commitment, and obtained it.
resignado a algo
resigned to sth
Por eso, Señor Presidente, sintiéndolo mucho, me he resignado a abstenerme en las votaciones referentes a la adhesión de todos los países candidatos.
Therefore Mr President, with a heavy heart, I resigned myself to abstaining on the votes concerning the accession of all the candidate countries.