
"resentido" in English

resentido{adjective masculine}
bitter{adj.} (person)
todavía está resentido porque no lo ascendieron
he's still bitter that he wasn't promoted
resentful{adj.} (person)
es un resentido
he feels resentful
resentirse{reflexive verb}
Si los médicos no cuentan con eso, su capacidad de juicio puede resentirse.
If doctors do not get that their judgment will suffer.
En nuestra sociedad son siempre los más vulnerables los primeros en resentirse.
It is always the most vulnerable in our society who suffer first.
La posición de la ISAF ha empezado a resentirse, incluso en Kabul.
The position of the ISAF has started to suffer, even in Kabul.

Synonyms (Spanish) for "resentido":
Context examples for "resentido" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
La imagen de la Unión Europea se ha resentido en este conflicto más aún que la de otros actores internacionales.
The EU's image has suffered in this conflict, even more than that of other international players.
Creo que lo reconocía al decir que yo así lo afirmaba y que la reputación de Europa se había resentido.
I think he conceded that because he said that was my claim and the problem was that the reputation of Europe had suffered.
parecía estar resentido con su padre por algo
he seemed to have a grievance against his father
todavía está resentido porque no lo ascendieron
he's still bitter that he wasn't promoted
todavía estaba resentido por lo del divorcio
he was still hurting after the divorce
Tanto la cohesión como la efectividad del Parlamento se han resentido del excesivo número de pequeños grupos de la Cámara.
Both the cohesion and the effectiveness of Parliament have suffered as a result of the excessive number of small groups in the House.
ser un resentido
to have a chip on one's shoulder
es un resentido
he has a chip on his shoulder
es un resentido
he feels hard done by
es un resentido
he feels resentful
El sistema se ha resentido desde el principio por culpa de aquellos Estados miembros que han prometido recursos pero no han cumplido sus compromisos.
From the outset the system has suffered as a result of Member States who have pledged resources but who are not honouring their commitments.
El este del país se ha resentido especialmente de esta carnicería, que no conoce límites y asume unos contornos más étnicos que nacionales.
The east of the country has suffered particularly badly from this scourge, which knows no borders and has taken on much more of an ethnic than a national profile.
Este fenómeno ha sido resentido en particular por las mujeres, que representan el mayor porcentaje de trabajadores dedicados a lo que se conoce como empleo precario.
This has been particularly felt by women, who comprise the greatest percentage of workers engaged in what is known as precarious employment.
Los recientes acontecimientos han perjudicado a la Comisión, pero creo que, si se considera la escasa participación en las recientes elecciones, también el Parlamento se ha resentido de ellos.
The Commission has suffered greatly from the recent events, but I believe that this Parliament has also been affected, considering the poor turn-out at the recent elections.
Nuestras empresas se han resentido, muchas han abandonado unas tradiciones y prácticas de cientos de años de antigüedad, pero esta no puede ser nuestra meta, así que debemos realizar cambios.
Our companies have suffered from this, many have abandoned their traditions and practices that are hundreds of years old, but this cannot be our goal, so we need to make changes.