
"repugnancia" in English

Esta no es la manera de hacer algo para contrarrestar la gran repugnancia que nuestro pueblo siente por Europa.
This is not the way to do something about the great repugnance that our people have for Europe.
Finalmente, considero que las prácticas denunciadas deben ser objeto de una protesta vehemente de esta Asamblea y merecen ser acogidas con la máxima repugnancia.
Lastly, I consider that the practices that have been reported should be the subject of a vehement protest by this House, and deserve to be treated with the utmost repugnance.
Miranda-, no nos mueve ni el rencor, ni siquiera la repugnancia que nos causa el recuerdo del crimen.
Naturally, Mr President, Commissioner, ladies and gentlemen, as Mrs Miranda said, we are not motivated by malice or even by our repugnance when we remember the crime.
Para repugnancia justificada del público, ello les ha permitido abonar primas también.
To justified public revulsion, it has allowed them to make bonus payments as well.
Comparto la repugnancia de los que se oponen a que el señor Blair sea presidente.
I share the revulsion of those opposed to Mr Blair's presidency.
La propuesta de resolución conjunta del Parlamento expresa repugnancia y condena de los valores del Reino.
Parliament's joint motion for a resolution expresses revulsion and repudiation of the Kingdom's values.
abomination{noun} [form.] [idiom] (disgust)
disgust{noun} (physical, stronger)
Quisiera expresar mi consternación y repugnancia por dichas actuaciones.
I wish to express my dismay and disgust at those actions.
Como pueden escuchar, señores Solana y Patten, sentimos enorme impotencia, repugnancia y frustración.
As you hear, Mr Solana and Mr Patten, we all feel incredibly powerless, disgusted and frustrated.
El Parlamento Europeo debería abogar por que se suspenda este flujo de fondos, y expresar su repugnancia ante dichas prácticas.
The European Parliament should advocate cutting off this flow of funds, and should express its disgust at such practices.
squeamishness{noun} (revulsion)

Context examples for "repugnancia" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Nos provoca una repugnancia inmensa ver eso en un país aliado durante mucho tiempo.
It is extremely repugnant to us to see this from a country that has been our ally for a very long time.
la repugnancia que sentí cuando me tocó
the revulsion I felt when he touched me
Esta no es la manera de hacer algo para contrarrestar la gran repugnancia que nuestro pueblo siente por Europa.
I was glad to support this resolution and the work of my group colleague Bart Staes who I know has been working closely with the Chechen community.
Finalmente, considero que las prácticas denunciadas deben ser objeto de una protesta vehemente de esta Asamblea y merecen ser acogidas con la máxima repugnancia.
The news we have heard about the United Kingdom importing human somatic cells from Romania, if it is true, indicates behaviour that demonstrates contempt for the most basic human rights.
Verlo en suelo europeo, ver la renuncia a siglos de civilización y progreso moral en materia de lucha contra el crimen o, en este caso, contra el terrorismo, nos produce una profunda repugnancia.
To see it on European soil, to see centuries of civilisation and moral progress in the fight against crime, or, in this case, against terrorism, renounced is profoundly repugnant to us.