
"refuelling" in Spanish

The Commission's proposal aims to recover petrol vapour which is emitted into the atmosphere during the refuelling of passenger cars.
La propuesta de la Comisión pretende recuperar los vapores de gasolina emitidos a la atmósfera durante el repostaje de los turismos.
For years now, the area around Gibraltar has been the scene of constant discharges of oil into the sea during the refuelling, loading and unloading of vessels.
Desde hace años tienen lugar cerca de Gibraltar constantes descargas al mar de hidrocarburos provenientes de buques, durante las operaciones de repostaje, carga y descarga.
It would have at its disposal, among other things, heavy transport aircraft, aircraft carriers, cruise missiles, and in-flight refuelling for long-distance bombing missions.
Entre otras cosas, se contaría con maquinaria pesada de transporte, con portaaviones, con misiles de crucero y con los aviones nodriza necesarios para el repostaje de vuelos largos de bombardeo.
reabastecimiento{m} (de combustible)
reabastecer {v.t.} (de combustible)
I need only mention the current procurement arrangements for the refuelling of aircraft or for guided missiles, where we are largely dependent on supplies from other markets.
Basta con que mencione los actuales mecanismos de contratación pública para reabastecer los aviones o misiles guiados, para lo que dependemos en gran medida de los suministros de otros mercados.
Taxation in this area is a problematic issue because aircraft can choose fairly freely where to refuel.
La fiscalidad en este ámbito resulta problemática, ya que las aeronaves pueden elegir libremente el lugar donde repostar.
to refuel in midair
repostar en vuelo
If a tax were imposed on air fuel within the EU but not outside it, this would lead to refuelling outside the Union.
Si se establece un impuesto sobre los combustibles aéreos dentro de la UE, pero no fuera de esta, repostarán fuera de la Unión.

Context examples for "refuelling" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Petrol vapour recovery during refuelling of motor vehicles (
Recuperación de vapores de gasolina (
We want to take forward our defence, particularly the common defence policy, in areas like strategic airlift and air-to-air refuelling.
Queremos mejorar nuestra defensa, particularmente la política de defensa común, en áreas como el aerotransporte estratégico y los aviones nodriza.
Rather than refuelling over the Atlantic, they are cutting corners and flying close to towns and cities with hundreds of thousands of inhabitants, whose safety they are jeopardising.
En lugar de aprovisionarse sobre el Atlántico acortan distancia sobrevolando zonas cercanas a poblaciones de cientos de miles de habitantes, poniendo en riesgo su seguridad.