
"proclamado" in English

"proclamado" in English
proclamar{transitive verb}
el momento actual, proclamar e introducir en la vida el misterio de la
principal duties to proclaim the mystery of mercy, revealed in a supreme degree
a menudo incoherente, es importante que las Iglesias puedan proclamar el
it is important that the Churches should be able to proclaim the
¿Podemos proclamar seriamente derechos sin consagrarlos como tales?
Can you even proclaim rights in earnest without enshrining them in law?
to acclaim[acclaimed · acclaimed] {v.t.} [form.] [idiom] (proclaim)
to nominate[nominated · nominated] {v.t.} [Amer.] (appoint, choose)
to beat the drum [idiom] (for sth)

Context examples for "proclamado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señora Presidenta, la Presidencia ha proclamado el resultado de la votación.
Madam President, the Presidency has already declared the result of the vote.
Bueno, Irlanda ha proclamado lo que piensa y no necesita volver a hacerlo.
Well, Ireland has said what it thinks and it does not have to do so again.
La Unión Europea ha proclamado el 2003 el «Año Europeo de las Personas con Discapacidad».
The European Union has proclaimed 2003 the 'European Year of People with Disabilities'.
La Unión Europea ha proclamado el 2003 el« Año Europeo de las Personas con Discapacidad».
The European Union has proclaimed 2003 the 'European Year of People with Disabilities '.
Comparto la preocupación de quienes han proclamado sus recelos acerca de los ensayos con animales.
I share the concerns of those who have voiced their misgivings about animal testing.
Cuando el Evangelio es proclamado y viene acogido en el corazón,
When the Gospel is proclaimed and accepted in hearts, it bears fruits of
La votación se ha emitido, se ha proclamado y eso es lo válido.
The vote was taken, the result was announced, and that is what is valid.
Todo el mundo ha expresado su parecer; todo el mundo ha proclamado que hay que encontrar una solución.
Everyone has had his or her say; everybody has said that a solution should be found.
experiencia vivificante del Misterio proclamado, celebrado y vivido: «En
life-giving experience of the Mystery which is proclaimed,
La Unión Europea siempre ha proclamado la "integración social" como uno de sus principios fundacionales.
The European Union has always proclaimed 'social inclusion' as one of its founding principles.
Nuestro Parlamento lo ha dicho y lo ha proclamado hoy más fuerte.
Our parliament has said and proclaims this louder now.
Por tanto, una vez proclamado el resultado de la votación por la Sra.
Consequently, the result of the vote announced by Mrs Fontaine stands.
El Presidente de esta Cámara ha proclamado acertadamente que ha sido una Presidencia respetuosa con el Parlamento.
The President of this House has rightly said that it was a Parliament-friendly Presidency.
Prodi, ha proclamado la necesidad de un desarrollo sostenible ecológicamente.
President Prodi called for environmentally sustainable development.
Estoy a favor de que 2010 sea proclamado como Año Europeo de la Lucha contra la Pobreza y la Exclusión Social.
I am in favour of 2010 being proclaimed European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion.
Hemos proclamado que nos atendremos a la opinión pública sueca.
We have said that we will follow Swedish opinion.
Un signo decisivo de estas grandezas nos la ofrece la lectura breve que hemos proclamado en estas Vísperas.
A decisive sign of these great things is given to us in the reading just proclaimed at these Vespers.
No entiendo porqué no se ha proclamado sencilla y llanamente la obligatoriedad del pacto por el empleo.
That is why I cannot understand why it was not made quite plain that the employment pact must be binding.
Sin embargo, las declaraciones de Bolonia y de Praga han proclamado tales métodos que presuntamente son más rápidos.
However, the Bologna and Prague declarations were in favour of these supposedly faster methods.
Llegados a este punto, permítanme plantear una pregunta simple: 2003 ha sido proclamado el Año de la Discapacidad.
Allow me at this point to ask a simple question: 2003 has been proclaimed the Year of Disability.