
"nourishing" in Spanish

"nourishing" in Spanish
to nourish{transitive verb}
nutritivo{adj. m}
It would be very hard to find a better and more nourishing food.
Sería bastante complicado encontrar un alimento más nutritivo o de mejor calidad.
Fishmeal is a rich source of protein and it is extremely nourishing to animals, including ruminants.
La harina de pescado es una rica fuente de proteínas y es sumamente nutritiva para los animales, incluidos los rumiantes.
alimentario{adj.} (nutritivo)
They feed the world’s rivers, nourish its soil and replenish its air.
Alimentan los ríos del mundo, nutren los suelos y renuevan el aire.
He remains living and real in our midst in order to nourish the faithful with his Body and Blood.
Permanece vivo y verdadero en medio de nosotros para alimentar a los creyentes con su Cuerpo y con su Sangre.
If reflection on shrines is to nourish faith and prove fruitful for
Para que la reflexión sobre el santuario alimente la fe y dé
nourishing the People of God.(5)
santificar y apacentar al Pueblo de Dios".(5)
We must use it to nourish the ground, to bring forth new life.
Debemos usarlo para nutrir el suelo, para engendrar nueva vida.
the Church, they nourish the faith of the candidates and qualify them to
depositum custodiado por la Iglesia, nutren la fe de los candidatos y
They feed the world’s rivers, nourish its soil and replenish its air.
Alimentan los ríos del mundo, nutren los suelos y renuevan el aire.
He who loves his wife loves himself. For no man ever hates his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body."
El que ama a su mujer, as í mismo se ama, y nadie aborrece jamás su propia carne, sino que la alimenta y la abriga como Cristo a la Iglesia, porque somos miembros de su cuerpo".

Synonyms (English) for "nourishing":
Context examples for "nourishing" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it stops you feeling hungry but it isn't very nourishing
te quita el hambre pero no te alimenta
Intercultural dialogue is one of humankind's greatest challenges and creativity is identified as an inexhaustible resource nourishing society and economy.
El diálogo intercultural es uno de los mayores desafíos de la humanidad, mientras la creatividad es valorada como un recurso inagotable para la sociedad y la economía.