
"no declarado" in English

"no declarado" in English
no declarado{adjective}
undeclared{adj.} (war)
Los casos graves de trabajo no declarado se producen cuando éste está organizado.
The serious cases of undeclared work are those that are organised as such.
Intensificar la lucha contra el trabajo no declarado (breve presentación)
Stepping up the fight against undeclared work (short presentation)
La Unión Europea sigue teniendo un amplio mercado laboral no declarado.
The European Union (EU) continues to have an extensive undeclared labour market.

Context examples for "no declarado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Señor Presidente, en Italia el "trabajo no declarado" también se llama "trabajo sumergido" .
Mr President, 'illegal work' could also be referred to as 'underground work' .
Mientras no haya sido condenado por un Tribunal, no puede ser declarado culpable.
There can be no talk of his being guilty before the prosecution has proved its case in court.
Señor Presidente, en Italia el " trabajo no declarado " también se llama " trabajo sumergido ".
Mr President, 'illegal work ' could also be referred to as 'underground work '.
Eso es lo que he declarado - que no se aprueba el informe así modificado.
That is what I declared - that the report, as amended, was not adopted.
Esto tiene como resultado grandes pérdidas presupuestarias y un aumento del empleo no declarado.
This results in enormous budgetary losses and an increase in unregistered employment.
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el " envoltorio» sino el " contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
He declarado que no tiene que brillar el "envoltorio» sino el "contenido».
I have already said that pretty wrapping paper is not enough, but that the contents must also be right.
No olvidaremos que usted ha declarado que no quiere reducir la UE a un mercado enorme y deshumanizado.
You will allow me to express my surprise at the UK’ s reaction with regard to European farmers.
El Gobierno gallego ha declarado que no va a poner límites a las ayudas a los damnificados.
The Galician Government has said that it is not going to impose any limits on the aid to the people affected.
Sin embargo, en ese caso las autoridades alemanas no han declarado que no vayan a levantar la prohibición.
In this instance, however, the German authorities have not declared that they will not lift the ban.
Todo el mundo está de acuerdo en condenar el trabajo no declarado, el trabajo en negro, como se suele decir.
Everyone is united in condemning non-declared work, or the black economy, as it is commonly called.
Así pues, aunque la CNIL no lo haya declarado, me gustaría que al menos reconociera que no...
So although there has been no statement by the CNIL, I would at least like you to acknowledge that there is no ...
No olvidaremos que usted ha declarado que no quiere reducir la UE a un mercado enorme y deshumanizado.
We will not forget that you have declared that you do not want to reduce the EU to a huge, dehumanised market.
Bush ha declarado que no lo va a hacer y que, en cualquier caso, el apoyo del Senado al mismo es prácticamente nulo.
Bush has said he will not do that and there is virtually zero support for it in the Senate anyway.
El trabajo no declarado no es un delito de guante blanco.
Failing to declare work is no mere peccadillo.
El Parlamento Europeo no ha declarado la guerra.
The European Parliament has not declared war.
Fassa no se ha declarado en contra de las palabras pronunciadas por el Sr.
Mr President, I note that Mr Fassa has not expressed any disagreement with the words spoken by Mr Bossi.
No obstante, usted ha declarado que las medidas de financiación a largo plazo se han vuelto a ampliar, señor Trichet.
Nevertheless, you have stated that the longer-term financing measures have been extended once again, Mr Trichet.
No obstante, ha declarado también que la ejecución del presupuesto debe hacerse con arreglo al Acuerdo interinstitucional.
However, he has also declared that the budget must be implemented in accordance with the interinstitutional agreement.
El Señor Presidente en ejercicio ha declarado que no es de su competencia contestar esta cuestión y a ello me atengo.
The President-in-Office of the Council has stated that it is not within his competence to reply to this question and I respect that.