
"meat safe" in Spanish

"meat safe" in Spanish

Similar translations for "meat safe" in Spanish
Context examples for "meat safe" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
All EU Member States need to guarantee safe meat.
Todos los Estados miembros de la UE deben ofrecer garantías con respecto a la carne que producen.
There is no doubt that we need to promote how safe chicken meat is, especially when properly cooked.
No hay duda de que tenemos que insistir en la seguridad de la carne de pollo, especialmente cuando se cocina como es debido.
There are 1200 independent meat inspectors in the United Kingdom and I hope they will be able to continue the work that reassures us as consumers that the meat we eat is safe.
En el Reino Unido hay 1200 inspectores de carne independientes y espero que puedan seguir realizando el trabajo que nos garantiza a los consumidores que la carne que comemos es segura.
There are 1200 independent meat inspectors in the United Kingdom and I hope they will be able to continue the work that reassures us as consumers that the meat we eat is safe.
) Señor Presidente, esto forma parte del paquete sanitario junto con la legislación alimentaria, y felicito al Sr. Schnellhardt por lo que ha hecho durante muchos años a este respecto.