
"long-lived" in Spanish

"long-lived" in Spanish

Synonyms (English) for "long-lived":
Similar translations for "long-lived" in Spanish
Context examples for "long-lived" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
He is right: she has lived a long time; she has seen a lot of change happen.
Tiene razón: ha vivido mucho tiempo; ha asistido a muchos cambios.
her jealousy was too long-lived to be dispelled overnight
sus celos venían de muy antiguo y no se iban a disipar de la noche a la mañana
Smokers are less long-lived and their health is less good.
Los fumadores viven menos y presentan un estado de salud peor.
These substances are long-lived and bio-accumulative.
Estas sustancias duran mucho tiempo y son bioacumulativas.
his reputation has proved remarkably long-lived
es extraordinario cómo ha perdurado su fama
The Pashtun tribes have long lived on both sides of the border and it is difficult in the current chaos to find out who comes from where.
Las tribus pashtun han vivido durante mucho tiempo en ambos lados de la frontera y es difícil en el actual caos averiguar de dónde viene cada persona.
In the European Union we have a growing number of Asian business people, many of whom have for long periods lived in Europe or were born here.
En la Unión Europea tenemos un número en aumento de empresarios asiáticos, muchos de los cuales han vivido durante largos períodos en Europa o nacieron aquí.