
"Indo-European" in Spanish

"Indo-European" in Spanish
The Lithuanian language belongs to the family of Indo-European languages.
El lituano pertenece a la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas.
Against this backdrop, I have brought from India a message to launch three important Indo-European tasks that could contribute to global peace and prosperity.
En vista de ello, he traído de la India un mensaje para lanzar tres importantes proyectos indoeuropeos que contribuirán a la paz y la prosperidad mundiales.
The Lithuanian language belongs to the family of Indo-European languages.
El lituano pertenece a la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas.
Against this backdrop, I have brought from India a message to launch three important Indo-European tasks that could contribute to global peace and prosperity.
En vista de ello, he traído de la India un mensaje para lanzar tres importantes proyectos indoeuropeos que contribuirán a la paz y la prosperidad mundiales.