
"firmar un contrato" in English

"firmar un contrato" in English
to sign{v.i.} [bus.]
Deberá firmar un contrato y atestiguar que se trata de un cliente que cumple los requisitos.
You will be required to sign a contract and attest that you are an eligible customer.
firmar un contrato con un club
to sign with a club
firmar un contrato con algn
to sign with sb

Context examples for "firmar un contrato" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Deberá firmar un contrato y atestiguar que se trata de un cliente que cumple los requisitos.
You will be required to sign a contract and attest that you are an eligible customer.
firmar un contrato con un club
to sign with a club
firmar un contrato con algn
to sign with sb
firmar un contrato
to sign a contract
No se trata de volver a inventar la rueda; simplemente estamos pidiendo que se informe a los consumidores de sus derechos vigentes enviándoles una copia al firmar un contrato.
We are not reinventing the wheel; we are merely asking that consumers be informed of their existing rights by means of a copy sent to them when they conclude a contract.
Dentro de la zona del euro debería ser posible firmar un contrato con la empresa de trasporte de fondos que ofrezca el mejor precio aunque esté ubicada en otro Estado miembro.
It ought to be possible, within the euro area, to sign a contract with the cash-in-transit company offering the best price, even if it is located in another Member State.
Al firmar un contrato con un proveedor de servicios, este debe facilitarte la siguiente información, o al menos garantizar que puedas obtenerla rápida y fácilmente en cualquier momento:
When you enter into a contract with a service provider, the provider must give you the following information (or ensure that you can obtain it quickly and easily at any time):
Dicho requisito establecería que, antes de firmar un contrato, el Estado miembro debe acordar todas las orientaciones de desarrollo, prioridades y principios con sus socios locales y regionales.
Such a requirement would state that, before signing a contract, a Member State shall agree all directions for development, priorities and principles with local and regional partners.