
"to eye up" in Spanish

"to eye up" in Spanish

Similar translations for "to eye up" in Spanish
Context examples for "to eye up" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
To fix red eye, click Touch Up, click Red Eye, and then click Save.
Para corregir el efecto de ojos rojos, haga clic en Retocar, en Efecto de ojos rojos y, a continuación, en Guardar.
to remove one's eye make-up
desmaquillarse los ojos
to eye sb up and down
mirar a algn de arriba abajo
Madam President, if five minutes of the catch-the-eye are not taken up, even people who have contributed to the debate can put a question to the Commissioner.
Señora Presidenta, si no se consumen cinco minutos del procedimiento catch-the-eye, incluso la gente que haya participado en el debate puede plantear una pregunta al señor Comisario.
This lack of responsibility enabled the Commissioners, and in particular the Socialist Mrs Cresson, to turn a blind eye or to cover up fraud, malpractice and nepotism.
Es esta falta de responsabilidad la que ha permitido a los comisarios europeos, con la socialista Cresson a la cabeza, tolerar o encubrir fraudes, malversaciones o actos de nepotismo.