
"election fraud" in Spanish

"election fraud" in Spanish
The demonstrations organised by the opposition against election fraud were mercilessly crushed by the security forces.
Las fuerzas de seguridad aplastaron sin piedad las manifestaciones organizadas por la oposición contra el fraude electoral.
The main thing was that we identified the election fraud we discovered for what it actually was, rather than putting it into perspective or concealing it.
Lo principal fue que descubrimos un fraude electoral y que no tratamos de justificarlo o encubrirlo.

Similar translations for "election fraud" in Spanish
Context examples for "election fraud" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Complaints about election fraud were lodged again recently.
Últimamente se han vuelto a formular denuncias contra fraudes electorales.
So we should hardly be surprised by the mere stealing of an election through wholesale electoral fraud.
No deberíamos sorprendernos de que hayan robado las elecciones con un fraude electoral a gran escala.
Despite threats of violence, you protested against the election fraud in peaceful demonstrations.
A pesar de las amenazas de violencia, protestaron contra el fraude de las elecciones manifestándose pacíficamente.
The constitutionalist liberal party rejected the results and denounced the election as a massive fraud.
El Partido Liberal Constitucionalista (PLC) rechazó los resultados de la votación y la calificó de fraude electoral.
The demonstrations organised by the opposition against election fraud were mercilessly crushed by the security forces.
Las fuerzas de seguridad aplastaron sin piedad las manifestaciones organizadas por la oposición contra el fraude electoral.
The main thing was that we identified the election fraud we discovered for what it actually was, rather than putting it into perspective or concealing it.
Lo principal fue que descubrimos un fraude electoral y que no tratamos de justificarlo o encubrirlo.