
"dissolving" in Spanish

This review aimed to find out if there were important differences between different clot dissolving drugs.
Esta revisión procuró determinar si existen diferencias importantes entre los diferentes fármacos para la disolución de los coágulos.
Reducing the workforce to poverty and dissolving the social protection system cannot be a basis for any kind of growth.
No hay desarrollo que pueda apoyarse en la depauperación del potencial humano ni en la disolución del sistema de protección social.
It does not provide for the possibility of dissolving the National Assembly in the event of major crises, and this may leave the way open for an extremely violent political reaction.
No prevé la posibilidad de disolución de la Asamblea Nacional, en caso de una grave crisis, lo que podría abrir las puertas a una reacción política sumamente violenta.
disolverse {r. v.}
That is why the euro area should be dissolved as quickly as possible.
Ese es el motivo por el que la zona del euro debe disolverse lo antes posible.
I think that the Temporary Committee on Climate Change should be immediately dissolved.
Creo que la Comisión Temporal del Cambio Climático ha de disolverse de inmediato.
Thirdly, unlike the previous speaker, I believe the Cohesion Fund should be dissolved following monetary union.
En tercer lugar, el Fondo de cohesión tendría que disolverse teóricamente, y aquí soy de otra opinión que el orador anterior, una vez alcanzada la Unión Monetaria.
deshacerse {r. v.}
allow the tablet to dissolve in your mouth
dejar deshacerse la pastilla en la boca
to dissolve into tears
deshacerse en lágrimas
I have been reminded of those eerie words of Bertolt Brecht: 'would it not be easier in that case to dissolve the people and elect another in their place'?
Me he acordado de las inquietantes palabras de Bertolt Brecht: "¿No sería más sencillo en ese caso para el gobierno deshacerse de esas personas y elegir otras?"
It is looking increasingly likely that Montenegro will seek to dissolve the union in 2006.
Cada vez parece más probable que Montenegro quiera disolver la unión en 2006.
The French president, for instance, can dissolve parliament.
El presidente francés, por ejemplo, puede disolver el parlamento.
Would it not therefore be easier to dissolve the people and elect another in their place?
¿No sería más sencillo disolver al pueblo y elegir otro en su lugar?
It needs to identify with the values which make up its true basis, the foundation on which to construct a Union that in the future will not dissolve when faced with difficulties.
Necesita identificarse con los valores que conforman su auténtica base, los fundamentos sobre los que construir una Unión que, en el futuro, no se diluya al enfrentarse a las dificultades.
to dissolve[dissolved · dissolved] {intransitive verb}
to dissolve into thin air
desvanecerse en el aire

Synonyms (English) for "dissolving":
Context examples for "dissolving" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Conference on Fluide Körper - Bodies in Transition: Dissolving the Boundaries of Embodied Knowledge 26 may - 27 may 2011.
Knowledge of computers and GPS equipment is critical and knowledge of GIS is a plus.
Conference on Fluide Körper - Bodies in Transition: Dissolving the Boundaries of Embodied Knowledge 26 may - 27 may 2011.
We have posted this map to provide locations of sites in Libya and to illustrate just how close so many are to the danger.
Prompt treatment with clot dissolving (thrombolytic) drugs can restore blood flow before major brain damage has occurred.
La mayoría de los accidentes cerebrovasculares se deben a la obstrucción de una arteria en el cerebro por un coágulo de sangre.
In short, a downward model will have a dissolving effect, and we need integrated, intelligent and ambitious economic governance in the economic, social and environmental fields.
En definitiva, un modelo a la baja tendrá un carácter disolvente, y necesitamos una gobernanza económica integrada, inteligente y ambiciosa en lo económico, social y ambiental.