
"deprived of" in Spanish

"deprived of" in Spanish

Similar translations for "deprived of" in Spanish
Context examples for "deprived of" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Reforming does not mean grovelling and letting ourselves be deprived of our identity.
Reformarse no quiere decir rebajarse y dejarse desposeer de la propia identidad.
They are deprived of the right of representation even if they had a right to vote.
Estarán privados del derecho de representación, pese a haber tenido derecho a voto.
However, thousands of Tibetans living in Nepal have been deprived of this right.
No obstante, miles de tibetanos que viven en Nepal han sido privados de este derecho.
How social is it if the family is deprived of some of the nice things in life?
¿Qué tan social es si la familia es privada de determinadas cosas buenas de la vida?
are deprived of hope due to the fact that, in many parts of the world, their
muchos millones los que carecen de esperanza debido al hecho de que, en muchos
Our North American competitors do not allow themselves to be so easily deprived.
Nuestros competidores norteamericanos no se dejan despojar tan fácilmente.
For decades we were deprived of the opportunity for normal economic development.
Durante décadas nos vimos privados de la oportunidad de un desarrollo económico normal.
Member States will in practice be deprived of one of their sovereign powers.
Esto supondría privarles en la práctica de una de sus competencias soberanas.
deprived of peace and security, of a stable family life, of the right to grow up
de la seguridad, de una vida familiar estable, del derecho a crecer sin
They are not going to be deprived of these products, and you cannot stop them.
Ellos no van a ser privados de esos productos y usted no puede pararles.
If we take the Council's route, Parliament will be deprived of all legislative power.
Si seguimos la vía del Consejo, el Parlamento será privado de todo poder legislativo.
believe that they suffer from defects, have by no means been deprived of
que padecen deficiencias, de ninguna manera carecen de significación y peso en
Scheme for food distribution to the most deprived persons in the Union (
Programa de distribución de alimentos a las personas más necesitadas de la Unión (
If we take the Council' s route, Parliament will be deprived of all legislative power.
Si seguimos la vía del Consejo, el Parlamento será privado de todo poder legislativo.
In terms of both nature and symbol, women in Afghanistan are totally deprived.
En ambos casos, las mujeres en Afganistán se ven absolutamente privadas de esas dos cosas.
His seventy-eight years have not deprived him of his youthful spirit.
Sus setenta y ocho años cumplidos no le han arrancado la juventud del espíritu.
were a community to lack a priest, it would be deprived of the exercise and
efecto, si en la comunidad llega a faltar el sacerdote, ella se encuentra
subsistence, those deprived of their freedom, the blind who cannot see the
ciegos que no ven la belleza de la creación, los que viven en aflicción de
Nothing else is holy if man is humiliated and deprived of his rights to live in dignity.
Nada más es santo si el hombre es humillado y privado de su derecho a una vida digna.
conduct had in his own eyes deprived him of his dignity as a son, it could not
Esta, que a su juicio le había desposeído de la dignidad filial, no