"defendible" in English
"defendible" in English
"defendible" in Spanish
El único planteamiento lógico y defendible es que la navegación también contribuya.
The only logical and defensible approach is for shipping to also contribute.
Un déficit presupuestario de este tipo es defendible a largo plazo.
Such a budget deficit is defensible in the long term.
Eso no sólo es defendible, sino también imprescindible.
That is not only defensible but imperative.
Está claro que esto debe cambiar porque ya no es defendible.
This clearly needs to change because it is no longer tenable.
Pero en cuanto criterio de principio, es de todo punto defendible.
However, it is a perfectly tenable principle for the future.
Tiene que ser clara y defendible jurídicamente.
It needs to be clear and legally tenable.
defendible(also: disputable, discutible, argumentable, debatible)
defendible(also: justificable, lícito)
En tanto se trataba de puros gastos administrativos, esto quizá fuera defendible en cierta forma.
As long as this approach involved purely administrative expenditure, this was perhaps justifiable to some extent.
Resulta difícilmente defendible ante los ciudadanos que la UE vacile al adoptar medidas antiterroristas internas.
Surely it is hardly justifiable vis-à-vis the citizens for the EU to be undecided about anti-terrorism measures at home.
Por tanto, es defendible en todos los sentidos que algunos Estados miembros solamente permitan autobuses que no sobrepasen los 12 metros.
It is therefore entirely justifiable that a number of EU Member States only permit buses up to 12 metres.
to defend(also: to safeguard, to embosom, to shelter, to shield)
Why did Mr Delors not come forward to protect and defend the Commission?
Delors para proteger y defender a la Comisión?
They have decided to protect the agriculture industry and defend its interests.
Han optado por proteger el sector agrícola y defender sus intereses.
We must protect the welfare of each child and defend their interests.
Debemos proteger el bienestar de todos los niños y defender sus intereses.
to defend(also: to renew, to repeat, to validate)
to defend(also: to protect, to beat the drum)
It is actually easier to defend the suburbs than it is to defend Morocco.
Efectivamente es más fácil defender la periferia que defender a Marruecos.
It is your job to defend the Services Directive, not to defend protectionism.
Su labor consiste en defender la Directiva de servicios y no en defender el proteccionismo.
We are called to defend them and to defend nature as well, of which we are a part.”
Estamos llamados a defender la naturaleza, de la que formamos parte”.
Synonyms (Spanish) for "defendible":
Context examples for "defendible" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Sin embargo, reconocemos que no es defendible que haya una política de talla única.
However, we recognise that one cannot argue that there should be a one-size-fits-all policy.
He dicho que la decisión de no conceder exenciones es defendible.
I have said that there is a case for the decision not to grant an exemption.
Tampoco una censura condicional es defendible en el plano político.
A conditional censure cannot be defended on a political basis either.
Pero esto es el máximo de lo que es defendible moralmente.
I also feel, however, that this position touches the limits of moral acceptability.
El incremento de la deuda se estabilizaría y resultaría defendible a largo plazo.
Such a country would not put any strain on the eurozone.
Dado que esto es defendible en términos de protección animal, esta sería la propuesta que debe aplicarse.
In my view, that cannot be called protection of animals during transport.
Pero esto es el máximo de lo que es defendible moralmente.
I am full of admiration for her, and I shall most certainly be supporting the common position.
Tampoco es defendible en este momento adelantar la fecha para su implantación en toda Europa.
There is still no justification now for bringing forward the deadline for implementation throughout Europe.
En todo caso, no es defendible dejarlas sin utilizar más tiempo del estrictamente necesario.
In any event, it would be unjustifiable to leave it lying around unused any longer than is absolutely necessary.
Yo no creo que sea defendible un porcentaje del 75 %.
I do not believe that 75% is a figure that can be defended.
No es fácil, pero nuestro sistema actual no es defendible.
That is not easy, but the present system is untenable.
Creo que es muy defendible socialmente dentro del presupuesto y, también, en cuanto a una buena política de alimentación.
This can easily be justified socially within the budget and in respect of a sound nutritional policy.
Creo que en estrecha colaboración con el Parlamento Europeo se ha logrado crear un concepto muy defendible.
I believe that we have managed - in close cooperation with the European Parliament - to produce a workable blueprint.
No, decididamente, no es defendible aceptar hoy una posición común que todavía se parece demasiado a la de la primera lectura.
Certainly not. We cannot accept a common position today that is still too similar to the position adopted at first reading.
En ella figura también el propósito defendible de unificar la reglamentación dispersa ya existente sobre estas cuestiones.
There is also an appropriate proposal to introduce some uniformity into the patchy and rather unknown regulation on this question.
Creo que esto no es defendible.
This is indefensible in my view.
No, esto no es defendible.
No, it is not acceptable.
La idea de un Observatorio Europeo es defendible.
The question remains, however, as to how we can achieve this as quickly, efficiently and cheaply as possible.
¿Es defendible éticamente la producción de clones o la utilización de los denominados embriones superfluos para descuartizarlos, para aprovechar las células madres?
Is the production of clones or the scavenging of'surplus ' embryos in order to use their stem cells ethically acceptable?
¿Es defendible éticamente la producción de clones o la utilización de los denominados embriones superfluos para descuartizarlos, para aprovechar las células madres?
Is the production of clones or the scavenging of 'surplus' embryos in order to use their stem cells ethically acceptable?
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