
"caza mayor" in English

"caza mayor" in English
caza mayor{feminine}
big game{noun}
caza mayor
big game
Se trata de caza de trofeos: personas que salen y disparan a caza mayor y regresan a casa orgullosos pero repulsivamente con un trofeo de una cabeza de un animal raro.
It is trophy hunting: people who go out and shoot big game and come home proudly but sickeningly with a trophy of the head of a rare animal.
Se trata de caza de trofeos: personas que salen y disparan a caza mayor y regresan a casa orgullosos pero repulsivamente con un trofeo de una cabeza de un animal raro.
It is trophy hunting: people who go out and shoot big game and come home proudly but sickeningly with a trophy of the head of a rare animal.

Context examples for "caza mayor" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
caza mayor
big game
Se trata de caza de trofeos: personas que salen y disparan a caza mayor y regresan a casa orgullosos pero repulsivamente con un trofeo de una cabeza de un animal raro.
It is trophy hunting: people who go out and shoot big game and come home proudly but sickeningly with a trophy of the head of a rare animal.
Se trata de caza de trofeos: personas que salen y disparan a caza mayor y regresan a casa orgullosos pero repulsivamente con un trofeo de una cabeza de un animal raro.
I understand that tens of thousands of endangered animals have been shot by European hunters and imported into the EU in the past five years.
Por ejemplo, en mi país se cazan dos millones de piezas pequeñas y 100.000 piezas de caza mayor, y existen 300.000 cazadores, lo cual no deja de tener su importancia.
For example, in my country two million small and 100 000 large wild game animals are hunted every year and there are 300 000 hunters. It is therefore important.