
"to be married" in Spanish

"to be married" in Spanish
casarse{r. v.}
I am particularly intrigued by the thought of getting married on the Internet.
Me intriga en particular la idea de casarse por Internet.
he married into the wealthiest family in the area
al casarse contrajo parentesco con la familia más rica de la localidad
she made the biggest mistake of her life when she married that man
hizo la estupidez más grande de su vida al casarse con ese hombre

Context examples for "to be married" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
young, male or female, married or single, and these factors should be taken into
pertenecen a diversas categorías de personas, y es por tanto claro que el
still others to witness to the truth of the Gospel that saves, in married and
verdad del Evangelio que salva, en la vida matrimonial y profesional, en la
behaviour of married couples, who, always remaining fundamentally open to the
contraceptiva, tanto desde el punto de vista antropológico como moral,
Emma, a Belgian national, married Carine, a French national, in Belgium.
Emma, de nacionalidad belga, se casó en Bélgica con Carine, de nacionalidad francesa.
accomplished above all in catechesis for married couples, both general or
sobre todo en la catequesis general y específica de los esposos, siempre
said that true married love and the whole structure of family life which results
vida familiar que de él procede, sin posponer los otros fines del
responsibility which first concerns married couples, called to be givers of
Es una tarea que corresponde principalmente a los esposos, llamados a
it themselves and their married partner by altering its value of "total"
con ella, la propia persona del cónyuge, alterando su valor de donación
married persons, such a burden, that would turn out to be harsh and unbearable
semejante empeño, con esta carga que por lo irrealizable sería un
God's will be fulfilled in the specific area of married life, that is, in their
y el cumplimiento de la voluntad de Dios en el ámbito específico
If fact married women have a higher frequency of HIV than unmarried women.
De hecho las mujeres casadas tienen el HIV proporcionalmente más que las mujeres no casadas.
For example, how about the recognition of married same-sex couples?
Por ejemplo, ¿qué ocurre con el reconocimiento de las parejas casadas del mismo sexo?
To help married couples be aware of the path of their holiness and to carry
Para ayudar a los cónyuges a conocer el camino de su santidad y a
themselves and their married partner—by altering its value of 'total'
con ella, la propia persona del cónyuge, alterando su valor de donación
A married couple with Swedish citizenship take up residence in Malta.
Un matrimonio de nacionalidad sueca establece su residencia en Malta.
They are often married, they are very often faithful to their partners and are mothers of children.
A menudo están casadas, muchas veces son fieles a sus parejas y tienen hijos.
they married five weeks later and they've never looked back
se casaron cinco semanas después y desde entonces todo ha marchado sobre ruedas
When I started working for the unions I was told that I would be dismissed if I were to get married.
Cuando yo trabajaba, los sindicatos me comunicaron que me despedirían si me casaba.
What are the moral requirements for rightly living married love?
¿Cuáles son las exigencias morales del amor conyugal vivido con rectitud?
"When it is a question of harmonizing married love with the responsible
« Cuando se trata de conciliar el amor conyugal con la transmisión