
"announcer" in Spanish

television announcer
locutor de continuidad de televisión
continuity announcer
locutor de continuidad
announcer{noun} [idiom]
television announcer
locutor de continuidad de televisión
continuity announcer
locutor de continuidad
television announcer
locutora de continuidad de televisión
continuity announcer
locutora de continuidad
However, it is not enough to announce measures and the opening of lines of credit.
Sin embargo, no es suficiente anunciar medidas y la apertura de títulos de crédito.
It is not enough simply to announce that citizens are to be involved.
No basta simplemente con anunciar que es preciso implicar a los ciudadanos.
we should consider how to announce Jesus Christ in the present geographic,
hoy preguntarse cómo anunciar a Jesucristo en el presente contexto geográfico,
I shall announce the calendar of part-sessions at a later point.
Un poco más tarde convocaré la votación del calendario de los períodos parciales de sesiones.
He has announced a referendum on his proposal to be held on 7 November.
Ha convocado un referéndum sobre su propuesta para el día 7 de noviembre.
It is more efficient to do that when the item is announced.
Es más económico actuar una vez que se haya convocado el punto del orden del día.
noticiar {v.t.}
Mr President, I merely wanted to announce some sad news to the House.
Señor Presidente, debo transmitir una triste noticia a la Asamblea.
It is the duty of the Church to announce to older people the Good News
Es deber de la Iglesia anunciar a los ancianos la buena noticia de Jesús
Rarely do we have good news to announce about the Middle East; on the contrary, the situation is often a very grave one.
Rara vez podemos dar buenas noticias sobre Oriente Próximo; al contrario, la situación es a menudo muy grave.
to announce[announced · announced] {transitive verb} [idiom]
I announced that when I appeared before you on 13 January, and this is precisely the principle that will guide my action.
Cuando comparecí ante ustedes el 13 de enero así lo comenté, y este es precisamente el principio que guiará mis acciones.
declarar[declarando · declarado] {v.t.} (manifestar)
Mrs Green, I have allowed you to announce your motion of censure and state your Group's position twice.
Señora Green, le he permitido anunciar su moción de censura y declarar la posición de su Grupo dos veces.
Therefore I wish to announce that I am present and that I will not vote.
Por eso declaro que yo también estoy presente y que no voy a votar.
Why not announce an arms embargo?
¿Por qué no se declara el embargo de armas?
emitir[emitiendo · emitido] {v.t.} (veredicto)
At the end of July the Commission intends to announce its assessment of the compatibility of Germany's visa rules with European law.
La Comisión emitirá a finales de julio una valoración de la compatibilidad de las reglas alemanas en materia de visados con el Derecho europeo.
The vote was taken, the result was announced, and that is what is valid.
La votación se ha emitido, se ha proclamado y eso es lo válido.
participar[participando · participado] {v.t.} [form.] (comunicar)
human history, is announced at the threshold of the third millennium.
grupos de jóvenes que se preparan para participar en la celebración.
The European Union had already announced in its action strategy paper at the start of the Annapolis process that it is prepared to become involved in this way.
La Unión Europea ya anunció en su documento sobre medidas estratégicas, al inicio del proceso de Anápolis, que está preparada para participar en este sentido.
Under Protocol 12 Denmark announced it would not proceed to the third stage of the Economic and Monetary Union, at least until further notice.
Además, conforme al protocolo 12, Dinamarca ha comunicado que no participará en la tercera fase de la Unión Económica y Monetaria, por lo menos hasta nuevo aviso.
We in this Parliament should denounce the situation and announce urgent remedies.
Desde este foro debemos denunciar la situación y promulgar remedios urgentes.
The Commission expects to announce its decision on this matter next week.
Está previsto que la Comisión se pronuncie sobre este tema la semana próxima.
The Presidency wants to present the Council with a draft mandate so that it can announce its decision on 25 April.
La Presidencia quiere presentar un proyecto de mandato al Consejo para que éste se pronuncie el próximo 25 de abril.
The White Paper announces several initiatives, and when they are definitely on the table, we will express our opinion of them.
En el Libro Blanco se anuncian algunas iniciativas. Nos pronunciaremos sobre ellas cuando se hayan concretado.

Context examples for "announcer" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
television announcer
locutora de continuidad de televisión
television announcer
locutor de continuidad de televisión
continuity announcer
locutora de continuidad
continuity announcer
locutor de continuidad