
"amigable" in English

"amigable" in English
amigable{adjective masculine/feminine}
amigable{adjective masculine/feminine}
Espero que el precedente amigable y productivo demostrado aquí se repita en muchas otras ocasiones.
I hope that the amicable and productive precedent shown here will be followed on many other occasions.
¿Somos amigables, callados y discretos de cara a la próxima Conferencia intergubernamental, de la próxima Conferencia de Amsterdam?
Are we to adopt an amicable stance towards the forthcoming Intergovernmental Conference in Amsterdam - a quiet and unassuming attitude?
Se trata de alentar el uso racional de las acciones legales, y no el activismo judicial y, sobre todo, de propiciar la solución amigable y temprana de conflictos.
The aim is to encourage the rational use of legal actions and not judicial activism, and above all to promote the amicable and early settlement of disputes.
Hay quienes me han preguntado si quizás no soy demasiado amigable con Croacia.
There are those who have asked me whether I am not perhaps too friendly to Croatia.
Debo decir que hubo mucha comprensión mutua e incluso una atmósfera amigable.
I must say that there was quite a lot of mutual understanding and there was even a friendly atmosphere.
El mercado interior debe ser más atractivo en su conjunto para llegar a ser un ambiente empresarial amigable e innovador.
The internal market must be made more attractive as a whole in order to become an innovative and business friendly environment.
pally{adj.} [coll.]
companionable{adj.} (person)

Context examples for "amigable" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Que puede desempeñar el papel de amigable componedor entre las distintas instituciones.
That it can play the part of honest broker between the various institutions.
Después, el señorBarroso nos dice que quiere ser un amigable componedor.
Then Mr Barroso tells us he wants to be an honest broker.
Las palabras amables, por mucho que lo sean en ocasiones, se pueden llevar a la práctica de una forma que dista mucho de ser amigable.
Fine words can, and alas sometimes are, put into practice in a way that is far from fine.
le habló en tono poco amigable
she spoke to him in a rather unfriendly manner
No existe el crimen organizado en esta Cámara, señor Bushill-Matthews; tratamos a todos democrática, amigable y pacíficamente.
There are no crimes organised in this House, Mr Bushill-Matthews; we treat each other democratically, amicably and peacefully.
De igual modo, solamente obtendremos beneficios de la cooperación con los Estados Unidos si esta se basa en una política exterior amigable con este país.
There is also no mention of condemning preventative war, which is completely at odds with international law.
Es una institución que existe en la OMC y que ha sido precisamente inventada para resolver de una manera amigable y pacífica este tipo de conflictos.
This is an institution which exists in the WTO and it was invented specifically to resolve amicably and peacefully this type of conflict.
No existe el crimen organizado en esta Cámara, señor Bushill-Matthews; tratamos a todos democrática, amigable y pacíficamente.
So far, 21 Member States have notified the Secretariat General of the Council that they have transposed the framework decision of 13 June 2002 on joint investigation teams.
Pero en cambio, los países europeos que se abstengan de entrar a formar parte de la UE no deben recibir un tratamiento seco o poco amigable en los trabajos de cooperación europea.
On the other hand, those European countries which decide against EU membership must not be treated unfairly or with hostility by future European cooperation.
He tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en estos expedientes tanto con la Presidencia italiana como con la irlandesa, a las que agradezco la excelente y amigable cooperación.
I had the opportunity to work on these dossiers with both the Italian and the Irish Presidencies, to which I am grateful for an outstanding and comradely piece of cooperation.
Como defensor de los derechos humanos y «amigable componedor» de Oriente Próximo, la UE debería ser coherente en su actitud ante terceros países que incumplen el Derecho internacional.
As a defender of human rights and an ‘honest broker’ in the Middle East the EU should be consistent in its approach to third countries which flout international law.
Como defensor de los derechos humanos y« amigable componedor» de Oriente Próximo, la UE debería ser coherente en su actitud ante terceros países que incumplen el Derecho internacional.
As a defender of human rights and an ‘ honest broker ’ in the Middle East the EU should be consistent in its approach to third countries which flout international law.
El oportuno control de la frontera de la UE con Andorra, un Principado entre dos grandes países de la UE, Francia y España, va a garantizar una relación más ventajosa y amigable en el futuro.
Expedient control of the EU border with Andorra, a principality in between two large EU countries, France and Spain, will ensure a more profitable and amiable relationship in the future.