
"she wants" in Spanish

"she wants" in Spanish
she wants{verb}
She wants the call-back rights for Parliament which we discussed earlier.
Quiere para el Parlamento el derecho de revocación que discutíamos anteriormente.
she wants to see you, it's something to do with tomorrow's meeting
quiere hablar contigo, se trata de algo relacionado con la reunión de mañana
She wants to feed chickens to pigs and pigs to chickens.
Quiere alimentar las gallinas con cerdos y los cerdos con gallinas.

Similar translations for "she wants" in Spanish
Context examples for "she wants" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
She wants to be with her in what will probably be the last weeks of her life.
Quería estar a su lado en lo que presumiblemente iban a ser sus últimas semanas de vida.
she has no qualms about riding roughshod over people to get what she wants
no duda en atropellar a quien sea para conseguir sus fines
As a true politician, she also wants to give some guidance.
Como verdadera política, su deseo también es proporcionar orientación.
She wants more cooperation and more supervision, but as part of a steady process and not all at once.
Es partidaria de una mayor cooperación y supervisión, pero dentro de un proceso constante y no todo de una vez.
She wants to be the “star”, the point of reference which helps people find the path which leads to him.
Intenta ser la “estrella” que sirva como punto de referencia para ayudar a encontrar el camino que conduce a Él.
She wants me to assure you that we will fully respect our commitments under the framework agreement.
Me ha pedido que les asegure a ustedes que respetaremos por completo nuestros compromisos conforme al acuerdo marco.
she wants $2,000 for the picture — well, it's not worth that
pide $2.000 por el cuadro — pues no los vale
I do not know whether she wants to be congratulated by me.
Aunque no sé si ella desea mis felicitaciones.
Karin now wears the burkha, not because she wants to wear it but to hide the marks of this tragic attack.
Ahora Karin lleva el burka, pero no porque desee vestirlo, sino para ocultar las marcas de aquel ataque trágico.
She should be able to enjoy flexibility in returning from part-time to full-time work, if this is what she wants to do.
Se debería poder aplicar con flexibilidad la vuelta de un trabajo a tiempo parcial a la jornada laboral completa.
The other amendment relates to incoming flights, to which Mrs Foster referred and does exactly what she wants.
La otra enmienda se refiere a los vuelos de llegada a que se ha referido la Sra. Foster, y hace exactamente lo que ella desea.
she's the kind of person who knows what she wants
es de las que saben lo que quieren
She wants me to assure you that we will fully respect our commitments under the framework agreement.
La comisión considera que deberían aceptarse los sistemas de control por lotes, además del sistema de control individual propuesto por la Comisión.
However, I want to pick up on her reference to the United Kingdom, which, interestingly, she wants to remove from the text.
Ahora bien, quisiera hablar concretamente de su referencia al Reino Unido, que, cosa curiosa, desea que desaparezca del texto.
she wants to go around the world
tiene ganas de dar la vuelta al mundo
with whom she wants to identify absolutely.
identificarse totalmente.
she has to win if she wants to stay in the competition
por fuerza
Mr President, in the third millennium, a woman has to have the opportunity to decide whether she wants to work or stay at home.
Señor Presidente, en el tercer milenio, una mujer tiene que tener la oportunidad de decidir si desea trabajar o quedarse en casa.
all she wants is to be famous
solo ambiciona llegar a la fama
Mr President, in the third millennium, a woman has to have the opportunity to decide whether she wants to work or stay at home.
Señor Presidente, en el tercer milenio, una mujer tiene que tener la oportunidad de decidir si desea trabajar o quedarse en casa.