
"segunda lectura" in English

"segunda lectura" in English
El Parlamento ha hecho mejoras sustanciales durante esta segunda lectura.
There are substantial improvements that Parliament has made in this second reading.
La recomendación para segunda lectura del Parlamento contiene dos enmiendas.
Parliament' s recommendation on second reading contains two amendments.
La recomendación para segunda lectura del Parlamento contiene dos enmiendas.
Parliament's recommendation on second reading contains two amendments.

Context examples for "segunda lectura" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Esperamos que podremos encontrar una solución a ello para la segunda lectura.
We hope that we shall be able to find a solution to this for the second reading.
En la segunda lectura, presentamos nueve enmiendas y de estas fueron aprobadas ocho.
At second reading, we tabled nine amendments and, of these, eight were approved.
En efecto, también debemos ir con un cierto potencial a una segunda lectura.
After all, we also need to go into the second reading with something to play for.
En su segunda lectura en 2002, el Parlamento aprobó una enmienda a los considerandos.
At its second reading in 2002, Parliament adopted an amendment to the recitals.
Es algo sobre lo que debemos reflexionar a partir de ahora y hasta la segunda lectura.
That is something that we need to reflect on between now and the second reading.
Sin embargo, con esta segunda lectura, nos enfrentamos a una demagogia ultraliberal.
However, we are faced with an ultraliberal proposition at this second reading.
Durante la segunda lectura se habló sobre todo de los costes del reciclado.
During the second reading we were mainly concerned with the costs of recycling.
Cada año el Consejo borraba rabiosamente la línea Schengen de la segunda lectura.
Each year the Council would angrily strike off the Schengen heading at second reading.
Son tiempos apasionantes, y deseo que llegue la revisión para la segunda lectura.
It is an exciting time, and I look forward to the review returning for second reading.
Me alegra comprobar que se ha impuesto el sentido común a partir de la segunda lectura.
I am pleased to see that common sense has won the day, as of the second reading.
Recomendación para segunda lectura Hautala (A4-0038/98) y Lange (A4-0043/98)
Recommendation for second reading (A4-0038/98) Hautala and (A4-0043/98) Lange
Se me ha dicho que en la segunda lectura sólo hay explicaciones de voto por escrito.
I was told that there are only written declarations in the case of second readings.
Acojo favorablemente el acuerdo que se ha alcanzado con el Consejo en segunda lectura.
I welcome the agreement which has been reached with the Council at second reading.
De las 15 enmiendas presentadas en segunda lectura, se logró una transacción sobre 11.
Out of 15 amendments tabled in second reading, compromises were reached on 11.
La recomendación del ponente para la segunda lectura propone de nuevo dos enmiendas.
Your rapporteur's recommendation for second reading retables two amendments.
Mantuvimos nuestras enmiendas en segunda lectura e iniciamos una conciliación.
We retained our amendments at second reading, and we went to a Conciliation Committee.
Me complace que hayamos podido encontrar una solución en comisión en segunda lectura.
I am pleased that we have managed to find a solution in committee at second reading.
Espero que esto posibilite la aprobación de todo el paquete en segunda lectura.
This will, I hope, make it possible for the package to be adopted at the second reading.
Y a continuación veremos los avances que podremos lograr durante la segunda lectura.
Then we will see what further progress we can make at Second Reading stage.
Mosiek-Urbahn propone, no obstante, algunas enmiendas en segunda lectura.
Mrs Mosiek-Urbahn does, however, suggest a number of amendments at second reading.