"scratched" in Spanish
"scratched" in Spanish
the cat has scratched all the chairs
el gato ha arañado todas las sillas
Thirdly, Mr President, allow me to conclude: today's discussion opens up a very broad topic the surface of which we have barely scratched, although it concerns a worldwide problem.
Tercero, señor Presidente, permítame concluir: el debate de hoy plantea un tema muy amplio, cuya superficie apenas hemos arañado, aunque atañe a un problema a nivel mundial.
It would be like comparing a scratch to terminal cancer; however, an incident such as this is never a minor matter.
Sería como comparar un rasguño con un cáncer terminal, pero nunca un accidente de este tipo es un tema menor.
it's nothing more than a scratch
no es más que un rasguño
he escaped without a scratch
salió sin un rasguño
The Wedge Mobile Keyboard comes with a durable keyboard cover that not only protects your device from scratches, but also serves a tablet stand.
El Wedge Mobile Keyboard se entrega con una duradera funda de teclado que no solo protege el dispositivo de los arañazos, sino que también sirve como soporte de tableta.
scratch(also: extemporary, extempore, rough-and-ready, extemporaneous)
to scratch(also: to tear at)
More specifically: this report does no more than barely scratch the surface of the fundamental problems in this Union.
Más concretamente: este informe no hace sino arañar ligeramente la superficie de los problemas fundamentales de esta Unión.
Each of us has a sense, if you scratch us hard enough, of what we are: Irish patriots, French patriots, British patriots, Scottish patriots or whatever.
Basta con arañar con fuerza para descubrir que cada uno de nosotros tiene un sentimiento de lo que es: patriotas irlandeses, patriotas franceses, patriotas británicos, patriotas escoceses, etc.
Thirdly, Mr President, allow me to conclude: today's discussion opens up a very broad topic the surface of which we have barely scratched, although it concerns a worldwide problem.
Tercero, señor Presidente, permítame concluir: el debate de hoy plantea un tema muy amplio, cuya superficie apenas hemos arañado, aunque atañe a un problema a nivel mundial.
to scratch(also: to scrape, to scrape off, to scratch out)
As Mr Bowis himself pointed out, we have only just begun to scratch the surface in terms of what we would call promoting mental wellbeing.
Como ha dicho el propio señor Bowis, apenas hemos empezado a rascar la superficie en lo que llamaríamos la promoción del bienestar mental.
However, I must stress that acting only at that level would only be scratching the surface.
Sin embargo, debo hacer hincapié en el hecho de que actuar únicamente en este ámbito no sería más que rascar en la superficie.
Therefore, when we, the non-attached Members, communicate among ourselves, we scratch under our armpits, we stick our tongues out and we make grunting noises.
Por tanto, entre los no inscritos, para comunicarnos, nos rascamos las axilas, sacamos la lengua y proferimos gruñidos.
to scratch(also: to delve into, to dig, to pick, to poke)
Then Allah sent a crow to scratch in the earth and show him how he might hide his brother's naked corpse.
Entonces, Dios envió un cuervo que se puso a escarbar en la tierra, para mostrarle como ocultar el cadáver de su hermano.
to scratch around in the soil
escarbar la tierra
to scratch about for sth
escarbar buscando algo
to scratch(also: to claw, to scuff)
It would be like comparing a scratch to terminal cancer; however, an incident such as this is never a minor matter.
Sería como comparar un rasguño con un cáncer terminal, pero nunca un accidente de este tipo es un tema menor.
to scratch(also: to scrawl)
Your Windows installation disc is scratched, smudged, or dirty.
El disco de instalación de Windows está rayado, manchado o sucio.
Smear and Scratch Resistant Synthetic Labels & Tags
Etiquetas e identificadores sintéticos resistentes frente al emborronado y el rayado
to scratch(also: to brand, to mark, to stigmatize, to dial (phone))
So we are not starting from scratch.
Como saben, durante muchos años hemos estado proporcionando asistencia técnica bilateral en el marco del proceso de reforma, así como ayuda humanitaria; por lo tanto, no partimos de cero.
to scratch(also: to tape, to tape-record, to grave, to die-stamp)
to scratch(also: to cross off, to scratch out, to X, to X out)
Undo that; Scratch that; Undo
Deshacer eso; Tachar eso; Deshacer
Use scratch-out or the back-of-pen erase to erase a word or character, and then start over.
Use el tachado o el borrado con el extremo opuesto de la punta para borrar una palabra o un carácter y comenzar de nuevo.
to scratch(also: to doodle, to scrawl, to scribble)
to scratch(also: to graze, to sand, to scrape, to scrape off)
to scratch(also: to peck, to prickle, to grab a bite, to prong)
to scratch(also: to walk off)
Context examples for "scratched" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
to put the record in its sleeve so that it doesn't get scratched
mete el disco en la funda para que no se raye
You've reached the last slide, but you've just scratched the surface of what you can do with Windows7.
Has llegado a la última diapositiva, pero tan solo has visto una ínfima parte de lo que puedes hacer con Windows7.
However, the decisions taken by the Cologne European Council on institutional reform barely scratched the surface.
Las decisiones adoptadas por el Consejo Europeo de Colonia sobre la reforma de las instituciones son, sin embargo, sólo una minucia.
the tabletop is scratched all over
el tablero de la mesa está todo rayado
The Right Honourable Member, Mr Swoboda has scratched around for some ideas, with a view to showing that there really is some truth in this.
Nuestro colega Swoboda ha extraído a duras penas algunas ideas para demostrar que hay algo de verdad en ello.
the cat has scratched all the chairs
el gato ha arañado todas las sillas
he scratched the car
le hizo una rozadura al coche
the door is scratched
hay un raspón en la puerta
this record is scratched
este disco está rayado
someone scratched her car
le rayaron el coche
he scratched his head
se rascó la cabeza
I scratched my arm
me rasmillé el brazo
she scratched my face
me arañó la cara
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