
"reinforced concrete" in Spanish

"reinforced concrete" in English

Synonyms (English) for "reinforced concrete":
Context examples for "reinforced concrete" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Bureaucracy has the appeal of reinforced concrete and the customer-friendliness of a rhinoceros.
La burocracia tiene el atractivo del hormigón armado y la cordialidad de un rinoceronte.
Bureaucracy has the appeal of reinforced concrete and the customer-friendliness of a rhinoceros.
En lugar de 25 referendos nacionales, un solo referendo europeo.
He is a pioneer in exploring the formal possibilities of reinforced concrete solely for their aesthetic impact.
Él es un pionero en la exploración de las posibilidades formales de hormigón armado únicamente por su impacto estético.
reinforced concrete
hormigón armado
reinforced concrete
concreto armado
Some of the various progressions include a window glazing, a skeleton of reinforced concrete and brickwork, and roofs covered with asphalt tiles.
Algunos de los progresos incluyen cristales en las ventanas, un esqueleto de concreto armado y ladrillo, y los techos cubiertos con tejas de asfalto.