
"rate of work" in Spanish

"rate of work" in English
What is being done about the slowing-down in the rate of work in Spain's ports on the Mediterranean which are currently unable to export to the Community goods arriving from third countries?
¿Qué pasa con el ralentizamiento del ritmo de trabajo en los puertos mediterráneos españoles, que no pueden exportar hacia la Comunidad en estos momentos los productos que llegan de terceros países?

Similar translations for "rate of work" in Spanish
Context examples for "rate of work" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
As I said earlier, ambitious plans have been laid down and the rate of work is increasing.
Como mencioné anteriormente, se ha establecido un plan muy ambicioso y aumenta el ritmo de los trabajos.
Mr Florenz has also done his work well, although I would actually rate his work in other areas more highly than in this one.
Florenz ha hecho un gran trabajo, aunque realmente aprecio más otros trabajos de Florenz, en otras materias.
I think he knows how highly I rate his work.
Creo que él sabe que aprecio su trabajo.
I rate her work very highly
tengo una excelente opinión de su trabajo
rate of work
ritmo de trabajo
What is being done about the slowing-down in the rate of work in Spain's ports on the Mediterranean which are currently unable to export to the Community goods arriving from third countries?
¿Qué pasa con el ralentizamiento del ritmo de trabajo en los puertos mediterráneos españoles, que no pueden exportar hacia la Comunidad en estos momentos los productos que llegan de terceros países?