
"queja formal" in English

"queja formal" in English
queja formal{feminine}
grievance{noun} (in the workplace)

Context examples for "queja formal" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
Le pido una disculpa oficial, o de lo contrario presentaremos una queja formal.
I would ask you to make an official apology, or else we are going to make a formal complaint.
¿Por qué no está planteando la Unión Europea como tal ninguna queja formal?
Why is the European Union, as such, not making formal representations?
Quiero formular una queja formal ante usted, señora Presidenta.
This is a formal complaint which I would like to raise with you, Madam President.
¿Por qué no está planteando la Unión Europea como tal ninguna queja formal?
We have the Charter of Fundamental Rights and we are constructing an area of freedom, security and justice.
Tengo una queja formal que presentar, y lo más fácil es que lo haga en forma de una cuestión de observancia.
I have a formal complaint to make, and I could just as easily do that in the form of a point of order.
Señor Presidente, señor Crowley, el asunto que plantea en su pregunta oral coincide exactamente con el objeto de una queja formal que nos han formulado.
Mr President, Mr Crowley, the point you raise in your oral question corresponds exactly to the subject of a formal complaint that has been submitted to us.
Considero que esto es un desprecio al Parlamento y tengo la intención de presentar una queja formal, pero también creo que tenemos que revisar la manera en que tratamos esto.
I believe this to be contempt for Parliament and I intend to make a formal complaint, but I also believe we need to review how we deal with this.
La queja formal procedía del Media Observatory Czech Republic (Observatorio de Medios de Comunicación de la República Checa) y ha sido ratificada por la empresa Media Print & Kappa Pressegrosso.
The formal complaint came from the Media Observatory Czech Republic, and has been endorsed by the company Media Print & Kappa Pressegrosso.
–Señor Presidente, la Comisión ha recibido una queja formal de un diputado a este Parlamento contra el Reino Unido, sobre la importación de viejos barcos de guerra a este país.
. – Mr President, the Commission has received a formal complaint from a Member of this Parliament against the UK, regarding the import of old warships into the United Kingdom.