
"prisionero" in English

"prisionero" in English
U Win Tin es el prisionero de conciencia más antiguo en Birmania.
U Win Tin is the oldest prisoner of conscience in Burma.
A los veinte años tomó parte en una campaña militar y lo hicieron prisionero.
When he was 20 he took part in a military campaign, and was taken prisoner.
Y el prisionero no lo verá como alguien que le concedió la libertad, sino como alguien que se la quitó.
And the prisoner will not see him as someone who granted his freedom, but one who took it.

Context examples for "prisionero" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El prisionero de origen sueco, Mehdi Ghezali, también continúa detenido, sin que se prevea una inmediata liberación.
The Swedish detainee, Mehdi Ghezali, is also still there, with no immediate prospect of being released.
El prisionero de origen sueco, Mehdi Ghezali, también continúa detenido, sin que se prevea una inmediata liberación.
According to the Swedish media, they will be arrested and interrogated when they land in Great Britain this evening.
Y el prisionero no lo verá como alguien que le concedió la libertad, sino como alguien que se la quitó.
I am shocked when a European Commissioner includes photos on his website on which he demonstrates his admiration for one such as Fidel Castro.
es prisionero de sus ideas
he is a prisoner of his own ideology
hicieron entrar al prisionero
the prisoner was marched in
Es prisionero de dicha condena y ustedes, como Comisión, son los responsables éticos si no intervienen para la concesión del indulto.
He is imprisoned because of that condemnation, and as Commissioners, you are morally responsible unless you intervene to secure him a pardon.
prisionero de conciencia
prisoner of conscience
lo tuvieron prisionero
he was held prisoner
prisionero de guerra
prisoner of war
Este informe, prisionero del pensamiento único liberal, ilustra el cinismo de los más favorecidos y el patético alineamiento de las políticas reformistas.
This report, in thrall to liberal orthodoxy, illustrates the cynicism of property owners and the miserable submission of reform policies to their lead.
Colombia es un país prisionero del terrorismo, en mayor medida que cualquier otro, e Ingrid Betancourt debe ser liberada, así como todos los demás secuestrados.
Colombia, as a country, is a hostage to terrorism, more than any other, and Ingrid Betancourt must be released, and all the other hostages must be released as well.
Sin embargo, por otro lado, su planteamiento de que en este ramo de actividades deben instaurarse la libertad para todos en la misma medida, le hacen prisionero de opiniones liberales.
On the other hand, however, his statement that, in this line of industry, rights must be available to all to an equal extent, makes him a hostage to liberal ideas.
Esto significa que muchas veces me siento prisionero entre las dos, pero el trabajo que han hecho es excelente y lo que ha dicho hoy la señora Wallis al respecto así lo demuestra.
That means that I often find myself caught between the two of them, but the work they have done is excellent and what Ms Wallis has spoken about today proves that point.
El mundo mira sin hacer nada cómo las autoridades chinas siguen manteniendo prisionero al Panchen Lama.
The Tibetans have been deprived of nearly all their fundamental human rights, and the world has simply stood and watched as the Panchen Lama has been held in captivity by the Chinese.