
"perennemente" in English

"perennemente" in English
perenne{adjective masculine/feminine}
¿Dice realmente el documento que las claves para la estabilidad relativa estarán perennemente abiertas a su revisión?
Is the document really saying that relative stability keys will be perennially open for review?
¿las acacias son de hoja perenne?
are acacias evergreen?
perenne{adjective masculine/feminine}
perenne(also: vivaz)
perennial{adj.} [bot.]
faltara quien manifestase concretamente y con fuerza la perenne actualidad del
manifest concretely and firmly the perennial validity of the gift of one's own
perenne de la doctrina cristiana sobre el trabajo humano, ha tenido y sigue
fundamental and perennial heart of Christian teaching on human work, has had
Iglesia siente fuertemente la responsabilidad de su perenne misión
especially conscious of her perennial mission ad gentes — the
perennate{adj.} [bot.]
evergreen{adj.} (subject of conversation)
¿las acacias son de hoja perenne?
are acacias evergreen?

Context examples for "perennemente" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
del kerigma como « noticia perennemente buena », rica de vida y de
of the kerygma as "eternally good news", rich with life and meaning
Mt 5, 16); han de exponerse criterios perennemente actuales para la vida cristiana individual y comunitaria (51).
Mt 9:16); and the criteria put forward should be of permanent validity for the Christian life of individuals and community.
El mandato misionero de Cristo, perennemente válido, es una invitación explícita a
of candidates in catechetical centres. Apart from the general criteria, each centre, in keeping with its character, will have its own requirements concerning