
"pending action" in Spanish

"pending action" in English

Context examples for "pending action" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
If the notification is about a pending download that requires action, the bar will briefly flash, and then turn solid gold.
Si la notificación se trata de una descarga pendiente que requiere una acción, la barra parpadeará levemente y, a continuación, se volverá de color dorado sólido.
On 17 November 1998, however, the Ohio State Court where the case was pending dismissed the action brought by the Ohio corporation.
El 17 de noviembre de 1998, sin embargo, el Tribunal Estatal de Ohio, que tenía el caso pendiente, desestimó la demanda presentada por la empresa de Ohio.
ActionsActiveDeleteEditImpressionsNeeds ActionPendingSuspendedThe PIN you entered is invalidValidate by mailValidate by phone
AccionesActivaSuprimirEditarImpresionesRequiere la intervención del propietarioPendienteSuspendidaEl PIN introducido no es válidoValidar por correoValidar por teléfono