
"of Geneva" in Spanish

"of Geneva" in English
They were sculpted by the Geneva artist Luc Jaggi in 1925.
Fueron esculpidas por el artista ginebrino Luc Jaggi en 1925.

Similar translations for "of Geneva" in Spanish
of whichadjective
Context examples for "of Geneva" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
firstly, a new agenda for Geneva that is not just the "leftovers" from Marrakech;
Primero: otro orden del día para Ginebra y no sólo los "restos" de Marraquesh;
Furthermore, it was said in Geneva that all of the negotiators would lose out.
Por otra parte, en Ginebra se dijo que todos los negociadores salían perdiendo.
firstly, a new agenda for Geneva that is not just the " leftovers " from Marrakech;
Primero: otro orden del día para Ginebra y no sólo los " restos " de Marraquesh;
Moreover, he was not covered by the Geneva Convention because he was not persecuted.
Además, tampoco se ajustaba a la Convención de Ginebra porque no era perseguido.
The work of the Commission on Human Rights is continuing in Geneva as we speak.
El trabajo de la Comisión de Derechos Humanos continúa en Ginebra en estos momentos.
We have already had three resolutions on the death penalty approved in Geneva.
Ya hemos hecho aprobar tres resoluciones en Ginebra sobre la pena de muerte.
The African Group in Geneva has indicated that it intends to call for a vote.
El Grupo Africano de Ginebra ha indicado que tiene intención de pedir una votación.
I want to underline two points that were emphasised to me during that time in Geneva.
Quiero subrayar dos puntos en que me insistieron en aquel entonces en Ginebra.
1863 Founding of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Geneva.
1863 Creación del Comité Internacional de la Cruz Roja (CICR) en Ginebra.
The Geneva Convention drafted in 1951 was conceived as a temporary measure.
La Convención de Ginebra, redactada en 1951, fue concebida como una medida temporal.
Ladies and gentlemen, I would like to focus my speech on our course towards Geneva.
Permítanme, Señorías, que centre mi intervención en el camino que nos lleva a Ginebra.
Indeed I was also at the Geneva Summit and was able to follow the project through.
De hecho, también he estado en la Cumbre de Ginebra y he podido seguir todo el proyecto.
You will say that it falls to the Geneva Convention to play this role.
Me dirán que el desempeño de esa función corresponde a la Convención de Ginebra.
Mr President, I do not know if Morocco prevented a delegation from travelling to Geneva.
Señor Presidente, no sé si Marruecos ha impedido a una delegación viajar a Ginebra.
In my view, there are at present two main problems connected with the Geneva Conventions.
En mi opinión, hoy hay dos problemas vinculados a las Convenciones de Ginebra.
24 – 25 January 2009 Wind-up of International Polar Year Geneva, Switzerland
24 – 25 enero 2009 Conclusión del año polar internacional Ginebra, Suiza
A voice that will be heard in Geneva and which makes us proud to be European.
Una voz que se escuche en Ginebra y que nos permita sentirnos orgullosos de ser europeos.
She might well have turned in her grave at the recent events in Geneva.
Se revolcaría en su tumba si viera lo que ha ocurrido últimamente en Ginebra.
We all recall Geneva and the disaster that befell the Union's policy.
Todos recordamos Ginebra y el desastre que allí sufrió la política de la Unión.
That was the message everyone received from Geneva Telecom two weeks ago.
Éste ha sido el mensaje que Telecom transmitió a todos desde Ginebra hace dos semanas.