
"of which" in Spanish

"of which" in Spanish
of which{adjective}
of which{adjective}
cuya{adj. f}
These four parts, which are each of independent importance, must be coordinated.
Estas cuatro partes, cuya importancia es independiente, deben ser coordinadas.
This represents a considerable success and one which should not be underestimated.
Esto es un éxito importante cuya importancia no se puede valorar suficientemente.
Payments for which there was no underlying proof of entitlement had been granted.
Se han efectuado pagos cuya justificación no estaba acreditada.
cuyo{adj. m}
spiritual problems of a magnitude which has for some time been a matter of
económico, cultural, psicológico y espiritual cuyo alcance
Is it implementation, or is it a delegated act - in which case it is legislation?
¿Se trata de aplicación o de un acto delegado, en cuyo caso es legislación?
relationship to the objective moral order established by God, of which a right
profunda con el orden moral objetivo, establecido por Dios, cuyo fiel intérprete

Similar translations for "of which" in Spanish
to whichconjunction
Context examples for "of which" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
I come from the Tyrol, a region which is very heavily affected by car emissions.
Provengo del Tirol, una región muy afectada por las emisiones de los automóviles.
The other part, which has aroused by far the most interest today, is Article 186.
La otra parte, que es la que ha planteado mayor interés hoy, es el artículo 186.
I voted in favour of this report, which recommends that this proposal be adopted.
He votado a favor de este informe, que recomienda que se apruebe esta propuesta.
There were two regulations, one of which has already been adopted by this House.
Existen dos reglamentos, uno de los cuales ya ha sido aprobado por esta Asamblea.
In other words, it concerns substances on which information is already available.
Es decir, se trata de aquellas sustancias sobre las que ya se tiene información.
The Court has outlined the circumstances in which this derogation may be applied.
El Tribunal ha precisado las condiciones en que puede aplicarse esta excepción.
The same is true of the Lisbon Strategy, which we are told has been relaunched.
Lo mismo sucede con la Estrategia de Lisboa, que nos dicen que se ha relanzado.
Let me also touch on the subject of Kozloduy, which has attracted much attention.
Permítanme comentar también el tema de Kozloduy, que ha hecho correr mucha tinta.
The second new aspect is sustainability, which we are pursuing with this approach.
El segundo aspecto nuevo es la sostenibilidad, que perseguimos con este enfoque.
This is therefore a measure which, though temporary, is necessary and appropriate.
Por tanto, se trata de una medida que, aunque temporal, es necesaria y adecuada.
The amount by which each developed country intends to limit its emissions by 2020.
La cantidad en que cada país desarrollado limitará sus emisiones de aquí a 2020.
These include trauma and psychological conditions, which play an important role.
Entre ellos los traumas y los estados psicológicos desempeñan un papel importante.
This is a result of globalisation, which affects everything, including education.
Es el resultado de la globalización, que afecta a todo, inclusive la educación.
The time must come for peaceful co-existence of the kind which we have in Europe.
Debe llegar el momento de la coexistencia pacífica como la que tenemos en Europa.
I have voted in favour of Amendments Nos20-23, which were, however, rejected.
He votado a favor de las enmiendas 20-23, que sin embargo han sido rechazadas.
It has been replaced by the word ‘identity’, which is not at all the same thing.
Ha sido sustituida por la palabra «identidad», que no es en absoluto lo mismo.
In my opinion, therefore, this is precisely the direction in which we must move.
Así pues, creo que esa es precisamente la dirección en la que debemos avanzar.
I am talking about innovation ‘incubators’, which are vital to industrial policy.
Me refiero a «incubadoras» de innovación decisivas para la política industrial.
MrSalafranca has presented an ambitious report which I am not going to reiterate.
Mi colega Salafranca ha presentado un informe ambicioso que yo no voy a repetir.
This is one of the dossiers into which I personally put in a great deal of work.
Este fue uno de los expedientes en los que realmente me he empeñado personalmente.