
"no mencionado" in English

"no mencionado" in English
no mencionado{adjective masculine}
no mencionado{adjective masculine}

Similar translations for "no mencionado" in English
Context examples for "no mencionado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El ejemplo de Dinamarca, que el ponente no ha mencionado, creo que así lo demuestra.
The example of Denmark, which the rapporteur did not mention, I think shows this.
Quisiera hablar sobre un aspecto de este contexto que aun no se ha mencionado.
I would like to address one aspect in this context that has not yet been mentioned.
El colega que ha mencionado no está aquí para contestarle y para defenderse...
The Member you have quoted is not here to answer you or to defend himself...
No hemos mencionado siquiera a Pakistán, un país dotado de armas nucleares.
We have not even mentioned Pakistan, itself a country armed with nuclear weapons.
Sabemos lo que ocurrió, aunque usted no lo haya mencionado, señor Berlusconi.
We know what happened, even though you have not mentioned it, Mr Berlusconi.
Probablemente realizaremos algunos progresos, pero como he mencionado, no es tan fácil.
We will probably make some progress, but as I have mentioned, it is not that easy.
Me parece decepcionante que no se haya siquiera mencionado en la directiva.
I find it disappointing that this is not mentioned at all in the directive.
La Comisaria Reding no ha mencionado que ya se han dado dos de estos pasos.
Commissioner Reding has not mentioned that two of these steps have already been taken.
Señor Barroso, usted no ha mencionado en absoluto los fracasos de la Estrategia de Lisboa.
Mr Barroso, you made absolutely no mention of the failures of the Lisbon Strategy.
Algunos de ustedes han mencionado que no está claro a que función voy a volver.
Some of you mentioned that it is unclear what role I am returning to.
Estoy de acuerdo con aquellos que han mencionado que no debemos restringir la movilidad.
I agree with those of you who have said that we certainly must not restrict mobility.
Hasta ahora no se han mencionado las enmiendas 92 y 114, relativas a la igualdad de sexos.
We have not so far mentioned Amendments92 and 144, which deal with gender equality.
Muchos oradores la han mencionado, pero no repetiré lo que han dicho.
Many speakers have mentioned this, but I will not repeat what they have said.
No obstante, quisiera abordar dos puntos que no he mencionado en mi introducción.
I would, however, like to come back to two points, which I did not mention in my introduction.
Sin embargo, de acuerdo con los documentos de los que dispongo, el tema no se ha mencionado.
According to the documents accessible to me, however, the subject goes unmentioned.
Por consiguiente, las 3 líneas que usted ha mencionado no contestan mi pregunta.
So the three lines you mentioned are not relevant to my question.
No obstante, quisiera abordar dos puntos que no he mencionado en mi introducción.
I will not repeat here the comments made by Members, because I almost entirely agree with them.
Por otra parte, este incidente no fue mencionado en el seno del Consejo de la Unión Europea.
This case has not, in any case, been brought up in the Council of the European Union.
Sin embargo, me gustaría hablar acerca de algo que no se ha mencionado en esta Cámara.
However, I would like to talk about something which has not been mentioned in this Chamber.
Nos ha decepcionado, señor Karlsson, que no los haya mencionado por su nombre en el informe.
We are disappointed, Mr Karlsson, that you did not mention them by name in the report.