
"no calificado" in English

"no calificado" in English

Similar translations for "no calificado" in English
Context examples for "no calificado" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
El objetivo de SAVE II no es ambicioso: un aumento anual del 1, 5 % no puede ser calificado de ambicioso.
The target in SAVE II is not ambitious; 1.5 % increase year-on-year is not ambitious.
Pero dicho acuerdo no puede ser calificado de satisfactorio, porque se ha ofrecido una imagen de falta de rigor.
But that agreement cannot be described as satisfactory, because it has given the impression that there has been a lack of rigour.
Estos problemas propios del arranque se traducen en que el sistema todavía no ha sido calificado como satisfactorio por las partes interesadas.
These teething problems mean that the system has not so far been hailed as a success by the interested parties.
Estos problemas propios del arranque se traducen en que el sistema todavía no ha sido calificado como satisfactorio por las partes interesadas.
In Switzerland, the average train delay during the first four months was 18 minutes and only then did things gradually change for the better.
. – Si no hubieran calificado erróneamente a Turquía de país europeo, que no lo es, no se verían hoy en la tesitura de tener que reconocer una serie de verdades.
. – If you had not incorrectly described Turkey as a European country – which it is not – then you would not be in the position today of having to acknowledge a number of truths.
. – Si no hubieran calificado erróneamente a Turquía de país europeo, que no lo es, no se verían hoy en la tesitura de tener que reconocer una serie de verdades.
. – If you had not incorrectly described Turkey as a European country – which it is not – then you would not be in the position today of having to acknowledge a number of truths.