
"menudos" in English

"menudos" in English
menudo{adjective masculine}
entrails{noun} [gastro.] (of poultry)
change{noun} (coins)
El Parlamento ya ha reclamado a menudo con firmeza un cambio de rumbo.
And Parliament has issued strong calls for a change of course on many occasions.
A menudo son consecuencia del cambio climático y de la actividad humana.
They are often due to the outcome of climate change and human activity.
A menudo la agricultura se considera la gran causa del cambio climático.
Agriculture is often depicted as the big cause of climate change.
menudo{adjective masculine}
menudo(also: fino)
drizzly{adj.} (rain)
slight{adj.} (slim)
Cuando se nos informa, a menudo nos damos prisa con nuestro trabajo legislativo para ver después como el Consejo de Ministros no lo tiene en cuenta.
When we were, we carried out our legislative duties as quickly as possible, only to find that the Council took not the slightest notice of what we said.
Asimismo, estos fabricantes son a menudo pequeñas y medianas empresas.
Furthermore, these manufacturers are often small and medium-sized enterprises.
Son siempre empresas, a menudo pequeñas empresas, las que tienen que entregar datos.
It is always companies, often small companies, which have to submit this information.
Estas empresas son por lo general muy jóvenes, a menudo pequeñas y por lo tanto, vulnerables.
These companies are generally very young, often small, and therefore vulnerable.

Context examples for "menudos" in English(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
En mi opinión, parece que la diplomacia estadounidense ha seguido los pasos de Gulliver y cree que puede tratar al Parlamento Europeo como si de una organización de seres menudos se tratara.
To me, it seems rather as if American diplomacy has followed Gulliver and believes that it can treat the European Parliament as if it were an organisation of little people.