
"maturement" in Spanish

to mature[matured · matured] {intransitive verb}
Maturity: the date on which the security matures (expires).
Vencimiento: es la fecha en la que vence el valor.
Only institutions that preserve the collective experience can mature.'
Sólo pueden madurar las instituciones que preservan la experiencia colectiva."
Problems were not addressed and were left to mature ‘ naturally’.
Porque no se abordaron los problemas, que se dejaron madurar de« forma natural».
Problems were not addressed and were left to mature ‘naturally’.
Porque no se abordaron los problemas, que se dejaron madurar de «forma natural».
What is not permitted in any event is for wine to be indicated as having been matured in wood, if this only involved wood chippings.
Lo que no se permite en ningún caso es decir que el vino ha envejecido en madera cuando solo se han utilizado virutas de madera.
The SIS, which, as we know, has only been a Community instrument since 1999, has matured very quickly.
El SIS, que sólo es, como sabemos, un instrumento comunitario desde 1999, ha envejecido deprisa.
We all know how important the work of a spiritual guide is so that the seeds of vocation planted generously by grace may grow and mature.
Todos sabemos lo importante que es la tarea de un guía espiritual para que los gérmenes de vocación sembrados "a manos llenas" por la gracia, puedan desarrollarse y madurar.