
"know-all" in Spanish

"know-all" in Spanish
marisabidilla{f} [Spa.] [coll.]
sabelotodo{m} [coll.]
a little know-all
un niño sabelotodo
sabihondo{m} [coll.]
he's a real know-all
es muy sabihondo

Synonyms (English) for "know-all":
Similar translations for "know-all" in Spanish
Context examples for "know-all" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
We all know there has been massive industry pressure on this piece of legislation.
Todos sabemos que el sector ha ejercido una enorme presión sobre esta normativa.
I do not know if all the Member States have submitted their plans, Commissioner.
Desconozco si todos los Estados miembros han presentado sus planes, Comisaria.
We all know there are growing social and political contradictions in that country.
Todos sabemos que las contradicciones sociales y políticas aumentan en este país.
We all know that there are many possible alternative solutions on the table.
Todos sabemos que existen sobre la mesa muchas soluciones alternativas posibles.
Well, we all know what we need to do with a time bomb: we need to defuse it.
Bien, todos sabemos qué hay que hacer con una bomba de relojería: desconectarla.
We all know that a common European defence would cost a fair amount of money.
Todos sabemos que una defensa común a escala europea tendrá un coste muy elevado.
We all know that today we are emitting twice as much CO2 as plants can break down.
Todos sabemos que hoy ya emitimos el doble de CO2 que las plantas descomponen.
As we all know, this is a breach open to all manner of misinterpretation and abuse.
Sabemos que se trata de una brecha abierta a todo tipo de desvíos y corrupciones.
It is getting longer, and, as we all know, that costs money – a lot of money.
Cada vez se hace más larga y todos sabemos que eso cuesta dinero, mucho dinero.
We all know that the issue of training is of great importance for the coming years.
Como todos sabemos, la baza de la formación será capital en los próximos años.
We all know that it was not necessary for the euro to become an active currency.
Todos sabemos que no era preciso que el euro se convirtiera en una moneda circulante.
To obtain access to a document, one needs first of all to know that it exists.
Para obtener acceso a un documento, en primer lugar hay que saber que existe.
We do not know all the facts and are not empowered to speak out on individual cases.
No tenemos información necesaria ni competencia para opinar sobre casos aislados.
We all know - and we know full well - that the Greek issue is a European issue.
Todos sabemos -y lo sabemos muy bien- que el problema griego es un problema europeo.
As we all know, in January 2009 the Iraqi Government took back control of that area.
Todos sabemos que en enero de 2009 el Gobierno iraquí tomó el control de esa zona.
I know that you all hate President Klaus because he believes in national democracy.
Sé que todos odian al Presidente Klaus porque cree en la democracia nacional.
We do not know about all the changes to cells that can be caused by nanotechnology.
No conocemos todos los cambios que la nanotecnología puede producir en las células.
We all know that in the foreseeable future raw materials will be in short supply.
Todos nosotros sabemos que en un futuro previsible las materias primas serán escasas.
As we all know, this is a very important report covering an important issue.
Este informe es central, como todos sabemos, y gira en torno a una cuestión clave.
As we all know, Mr President, migration and movements of people cannot be stopped.
Como todos sabemos, señor Presidente, la migración, los movimientos, son imparables.