
"it doesn't matter" in Spanish

"it doesn't matter" in Spanish
it doesn't matter to me one way or the other
me da igual una cosa u otra
it doesn't matter if it's expensive as long as it's good quality
no importa que sea caro si es de buena calidad
it doesn't matter whose fault it is
no importa de quién es la culpa
I can't dance — it doesn't matter, I'll lead
no sé bailar — no importa, yo te llevo

Similar translations for "it doesn't matter" in Spanish
T- t
Context examples for "it doesn't matter" in Spanish(!) These sentences come from external sources & may not be accurate. Therefore, we are not responsible for their content.
it doesn't matter if it's expensive as long as it's good quality
no importa que sea caro si es de buena calidad
This directive is independent of the user-agent line, so it doesn't matter where it appears in your file.
Esta directiva no depende de la línea del user-agent, por lo que su ubicación en el archivo no es determinante.
If you haven't created accounts on the new computer, it doesn't matter, unless the new computer is on a domain.
Si no ha creado cuentas en el nuevo equipo, no tiene ninguna importancia, salvo que el equipo esté en un dominio.
I can't dance — it doesn't matter, I'll lead
no sé bailar — no importa, yo te llevo
I'm sorry I'm late — it doesn't matter
siento llegar tarde — no tiene importancia
it doesn't matter to me one way or the other
tanto me da una cosa como la otra
it doesn't matter which of you signs
puede firmar uno u otro indistintamente
it doesn't matter to me one way or the other
me da igual una cosa u otra
it doesn't matter, we'll go another day
da lo mismo, ya iremos otro día
it doesn't matter whose fault it is
no importa de quién es la culpa
it doesn't matter who's to blame
no importa de quién es la culpa
it doesn't matter a damn to her
a ella le importa un bledo
that doesn't matter at all
eso no le hace nada
When you use offline files, it doesn't matter if your network goes down or the network folder you are accessing becomes unavailable.
Cuando se usan archivos sin conexión, no importa si la red deja de funcionar o la carpeta de red a la que tiene acceso deja de estar disponible.
It doesn't matter.
Es indiferente.
it doesn't matter!
no le hace
It doesn't matter which of the emitting areas we investigate, there will always be 'voices' that want to protect the very industry we are talking about now.
No importa qué sector investiguemos en relación con las emisiones: siempre habrá "voces" que quieran proteger la industria de la que estamos debatiendo ahora.
It doesn't matter whether you made the changes on a computer, a mobile device, or a folder on a network server; the same changes will be made in both locations.
No importa si realizó los cambios en un equipo, un dispositivo móvil o una carpeta de un servidor de red, ya que los mismos cambios se realizarán en ambas ubicaciones.
It doesn't matter what type of printer you have, as long it's installed on your computer and is directly attached with a USB cable or other type of printer cable.
No importa qué tipo de impresora tenga, lo importante es que esté instalada en el equipo y directamente conectada con un cable USB u otro tipo de cable para impresora.
So it doesn’t matter too much which version of Windows you install on most PCs with a 64-bit processor—unless you want to be able to use more than 3.5 GB of memory.
Por ello, no importa mucho la versión de Windows que instales en la mayoría de los equipos con un procesador de 64 bits, a menos que desees poder usar más de 3,5 GB de memoria.